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Lucy's POV

Natsu told me he was going to tell everyone in the guild that I became his girlfriend. I wonder what everyone was going to say, would they object it. Kiaaaaaaa I'm so nervous!

"Lucy, relax. No one will object us being together, if they do I'm gonna punch them till they agree to it." I smiled at Natsu. We were on our way to the guild now, our fingers were interlocked with each other. I squeezed his hand slightly and he returned it. I smiled and pecked him on the cheek, he blushed slightly and we continue walking.

"Well here we are. Ready?" I gave a slight nod and we went in. Everyone looked at us for a moment and saw our hands were intertwined with each other. I waited for a response and it happened.

"EHHHHHHHHHHHHH NATSU AND LUCY ARE TOGETHER? NANIIIIIIIII" Everyone cheered for us and I was so glad no one was against it. I left Natsu to answer the guild's question while I went to talk to Mira-san.

"Congratz Lucy! I knew u guys were meant to be" I blushed at that comment and said thanks.

"What happened during ur little trip?"

"Well I went to the hot springs and it cleared my mind a bit. Then I went to the room me and Natsu booked. We stayed there for the night. Then when we were eating lunch I told him I liked him. He kissed me and told me he liked me too. Then he took me out on Sunday and at sunset, we were in the ferris wheel capsule and he asked me the question. It was so sweet!" I felt warm and fuzzy recalling everything.

"Congratz again Lucy. I'm so happy you found your true love. By the way, Erza told me she took Gray, Wendy, Carla, Juvia and Gajeel on a quest and they aren't back yet. You'll have to tell them the news later when they get back." I blushed a little, thinking of telling the team about us but nodded to reply Mira-san.

"Lucy, come over here."

"Coming. I gotta go, talk to you later Mira-san." I ran over to Natsu and he turned me around to face everyone. My wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head on my right shoulder. I felt my face going hot, what is Natsu doing in front of everyone?

"OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo" everyone exclaimed and that made me more embarrassed. I thought nothing could make it more embarrassing, I was so wrong. Natsu pecked me on the cheek and whispered in my ear

"I love you Lucy." I smiled at those words I pulled Natsu's arm away from me and turned around to face him. I tip toed and kissed him on the cheek

"I love you too Natsu" he smiled and I did so too. Just then the Team returned.

"Natsu, Lucy, where were you guys. We were supposed to go on a quest together." Erza shot a glare at both of us which made me shiver. We both apologised. Erza was in a good mood so she accepted our apology. Natsu held my hand gently and walked towards the team.

"Guys, I have an anoucement to make. Lucy and I are together now. We are officially a couple." I nodded when everyone looked at me with their eyes widen in shock. Everyone's reaction was either "congratz" or "ehhhhhhh why choose Natsu?" except for Gray. He seemed disappointed almost angry about this.

"Lucy, I wanna talk to you. Come." Gray called for me and I did as he told me. I walked behind Gray not saying a word. He stopped at a quiet alleyway, no soul at sight.

"Gray, did you want to talk to me about something?"

Gray's POV

I turned around and grabbed Lucy by her wrists. I pinned her to the wall and said

"I don't want you to date Natsu. I hate it. You better break up with him or I'll deal with him myself." She looked into my eyes, totally stunned. We stayed like that for a few seconds before she said something.

"No, I'm not gonna break up with Natsu, I love him, why should I? And why are you so against it?" I tried to think of a reason but couldn't. I decided to be honest with her. I mumbled these four words:"I like you Lucy" before leaning forward and kissing her. I released the kiss and ran. Why did I do that, I'm such an idiot. She's already in a relationship, what gives me the right to butt in..why do I feel this way...why..

Lucy's POV


The Choices I Have To Make. (NaLu or GrayLu?)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora