Time to pay a visit.

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Lucy's POV

It's been weeks since that incident at the water park happened, but Natsu still refuses to see me. When I saw him at the guild and wanted to talk to him, he would make an excuse and leave. When I went to his house, he would just ignore me completely. I..must have really hurt him for him to act this way..but it wasn't my fault. I didn't want to kiss Gray, he was the one that kissed me...and now, because of that crummy kiss I lost my boyfriend... I locked myself in my house for weeks, not going out once. I didn't want to face anyone, not after what happened.

Gray's POV

Everything's a mess and whose fault is it? Me. I caused it all to happen just cuz I had stupid feelings for Lucy. But does she care about my feelings? No, fucking no. Kissed her and got these bruises all over my face cuz of a rampaging little shit. Now even he won't come out of his house to face me. Sigh, why should I bother liking her anymore, she obviously ain't gonna like me back, I should just give up..

I sat at one of the guild tables, alone. I was thinking about that when Juvia came up to me.

"Gray-sama? Are you okay?" I glared at her, I had no mood to talk to anyone. Especially her. She didn't back away though. She actually smiled when I glared at her. What a weirdo.

"Gray-sama, thank you for acknowledging my presence. Now if you would hear me out. I know you have feelings for love rival but she doesn't have feelings for you and you need to understand that. Love rival even has a boyfriend and it's wrong to come between them. So stop having feelings for her. This is a one sided love that will never work out. Just like for my case.. I know you don't like me..at all and I should probably give up on you but you don't have a girlfriend so it's okay for me to like you. I don't do anything physical to you unlike what you did to Lucy. Okay, this is coming out wrong. The point is Gray-sama, forget about Lucy and move on. Her heart already belongs to another so don't force her. If you love something, set it free and if it loves you back, it'll come back some day. So for now, just forget and move on. Who knows, maybe the one you end up with is just around the corner." She was right. It was wrong for me to interfere and it's time for me to move on. I smiled gently at Juvia.

"Thanks Juvia. You're right, I should move on. Oh and maybe the one I end up with is the one I'm talking to now." I teased and she blushed. I left the guild to find Natsu. I needed to tell him it was all my fault, I'm the one he should be mad at not Lucy. That he should stop ignoring her. I knocked on his door several times but there was no answer.

"Natsu, I know you're in there. I have something to say to you. Get out here." No response.

"Fine. I'll say it here. Lucy didn't kiss me, I kissed her. Stop avoiding her, it wasn't her fault. Stop being a wimp and get out here to face the world." At first there was silence, then he finally spoke.

"I know Lucy wasn't the one that kissed you...I'm not blaming her..I just can't meet her...I'm a monster,  I'm too ashamed to meet her..she's probably scared of me even.." he sounded depressed, wow I didn't expect this from him.

"Lucy isn't scared of you. She's sad that you're ignoring her. She's been locked up in her room for weeks now. She refuses to come out or meet anyone. You're the only one that can help her now." With that said, Natsu finally came out. He looked horrible. He looked like he hadn't showered for days, tear stains all over his face.

"Wash yourself up first baka. What do you think Lucy will feel when she sees you like this?" I chided. He mumbled something before going back in to take a shower. He came out after a few minutes and we were ready to go. Of course I ditched him half way so he could have some alone time with Lucy.

Juvia's POV

As much as I didn't want to, I went to love rival's house to knock some sense into her.

"Love rival, get out here now. We need to talk."

"Oh..Juvia..what's up.." Lucy opened the door slightly, just to reveal her face. Her eyes were so puffed up, eyes red and a little watery. She was crying again.

"Love rival, I can't stand it anymore. Just because Natsu refuses to see you, you're giving up? You're more pathetic than I thought. Snap out of it okay? If Natsu leaves you, he's making a mistake. You're awesome and pretty. But before you can conclude that, you should go meet him and ask him the truth. Get your butt out here and meet Natsu. Maybe he still likes you, maybe he didn't want to avoid it. Maybe he had a reason to. You will never know till you ask him. So go now. But before that you may want to wash up, you look terrible." Lucy laughed a bit.

"You really think so?" I nodded and she smiled.

"I'll be right back, wait here for me."

"No, you need to face him yourself. I'll be leaving now. Bye." With that I left.

Gray and Juvia's POV

Let's just hope they can settle it soon.

The Choices I Have To Make. (NaLu or GrayLu?)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें