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Natsu's POV

Lucy fell asleep after crying her eyes out. That ice making bastard, how dare he make my girlfriend cry like this. I held Lucy's hand while she slept, everytime I left she would start panicking and crying. What did Gray do to make her so..terrified to be alone..sigh I'll worry about that later, now I gotta make sure Lucy is fine.

Watching my princess sleeping so soundly makes me smile. She was so beautiful and looked so peaceful. I stroked her delicate face and laid my head on my arm. I held Lucy's hand again and fell asleep beside her.

Lucy's POV

I opened my eyes to see Natsu sleeping beside me. I squeezed his hand lightly. My fever subsided but I was still a bit giddy. I'll go get some water, but I better be quiet, I don't want to wake Natsu, he must be tired from taking care of me. I slided off the bed and went to the kitchen to get some water. I came back to see Natsu mumbling my name, he must have known I left.

I went back and hugged Natsu. I kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear.

"Natsu, I'm here. It's ok now." I hugged him tighter, hoping to sooth him.

"Oh..Lucy..you're up"

"Yeah, were you having a bad dream?"

"I dreamt of Gray stealing u away from me.." I smiled and hugged Natsu tighter.

"Baka. I love you not Gray, I will never leave you."

Third person POV

Natsu stayed at Lucy's house the whole night. They had dinner, watched a movie then went to sleep.

~The Next Day~

Natsu's POV

Gray is so dead. I'm gonna give him a lesson he won't forget.

"OI. U DROOPY EYED STRIPPER. I WANNA ASK U SOME SHIT. COME HERE." Gray went over to me and I punched him in the face.

"You bastard what the fuck did you say to Lucy. Why did you make her cry? How dare you do that to my girlfriend? GET UP IM NOT DONE WITH YOU" I gripped onto Gray's collar, hard. I pinned him to a wall with a fist engulfed in fire right beside him.

"I'll ask nicely again, what the fuck did you do to Lucy?" I pushed Gray against the wall, hard.

Gray's POV

Sigh..Natsu that hot headed idiot.

"I didn't do anything to Lucy, I just told her to stay away from you."

"Then why was she crying? Why has she been acting so weird around you lately? Why would you even care if we are together, it doesn't concern you"

I gritted my teeth, I wanted to scream at Natsu. Who does he think he is, lecturing me like this. He doesn't deserve Lucy, I do. The idea of Natsu even being in a relationship is ridiculous, he can't take care of Lucy, I can.

"Of course I care, of course it concerns me. You're not the only one who cares about Lucy, you're not the only one that likes Lucy. I LIKE HER TOO OKAY? THAT'S WHY IM SO AGAINST IT, YOU GET IT NOW?" I lost it, I couldn't hide it anymore. Natsu released me, he must have been stunned. He gace me a pissed off face and whispered something before leaving.

"Lucy is MY girlfriend you should just give up cuz I'm not gonna give her to you."

The Choices I Have To Make. (NaLu or GrayLu?)Where stories live. Discover now