Operation: Capture the Mage

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Wendy's POV

We stayed in the village till the next full moon just as Erza-san requested. We all trained with each other as preparation for the night of the full moon. Erza-san also told us she suspects someone is using magic to control the ghosts, Natsu could smell someone other than us and the villages during the fight too, so it must be true. Who could have done something so terrible to us!

It was time for the full moon, everyone had been preparing for this. Erza told us her plan, she wanted everyone to fend off the ghosts while Happy, Carla and one of Lucy's celestial spirit goes after the mage in the shadows.

"Lucy, summon one of your celestial spirit now." Lucy-san nodded at Erza and took out a golden key.

"Open, Gate of the crab, Cancer!" Cancer appeared in front of Lucy-san just as she said that.

"Do you need a haircut, ebi?"

"No no. Today you're gonna help me with a quest. Follow Happy and Carla, they'll tell you what to do."

"Roger, ebi"

Ebi? I sweat dropped. What's with the ebi? Isn't Cancer a crab?

"Everyone get into position. They're coming." Cancer, Happy and Carla left for the cliff while the rest of us got the villagers into their houses for safety.

Natsu's POV

Let's hope Erza's plan works. I don't want to deal with that again. I looked over at Lucy, man she's beautiful. She was wearing her typical clothes but she looked really good in the moonlight. Gray was staring at her too, that made me mad. He's eyeing my girlfriend. What the hell dude? I resisted the urge to punch him in the gut. I went over to Lucy and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. She blushed and that made me want to kiss her more, but we were on a quest and I can't do that. So I'll just wait till later to kiss her.

"Hey Lucy, after this, do you wanna have some alone time with me?" Her face turned entirely red.

"A..a..alone time...w...with y..y..you?" I nodded with a smile. Lucy nodded just the slightest bit, her eyes not meeting mine. She's so cute when she's flustered like that. I glanced over to Gray, he was glaring at me. Hmph, served him right for staring at my girlfriend.

"LUCY, NATSU, STOP FLIRTING IT'S TIME TO GET SERIOUS." Erza screamed at us, making us flinch slightly.

"Hai" we both replied. Lucy kissed my cheek softly before getting into position. God, I love her so much.

I got into my fighting stance as ghostly figures came out of the ground. The army of soldiers looked at us, they..seemed to be..afraid?

"Please don't hurt us! We..we will surrender! Please please don't hurt us!" One of them begged. The rest got om their knees and begged. We all sweat drop. They acted all tough and mighty yesterday and now, they're on their knees begging us to not hurt them.

"Well..what do we do Erza?" I questioned.

"I..honestly don't know. Ghost people, get up on your feet. We won't harm you unless necessary. Now will you all surrender and just rest in peace?"

"Yes we surrender. We-" they were interrupted by dark magic. The same aura a few days ago surrounded them. Their eyes turned red and their flesh turned entirely black. The magic felt stronger today and more..evil..

Erza raised her sword, she shouted at us.

"Everyone get ready. They're not in control of their own bodies anymore. Attack!" We charged at the ghost army. Ready than ever.

"Roar of the Fire dragon"

"Roar of the Sky dragon" Wendy and I said in unison. Our roars blew most of the ghosts away, which was good. Erza and Gray sliced through them with their blades and Lucy summoned Virgo to dig holes for the enemy to fall into. We finished them off within a Minute but they came back up, of course.

We fought and fought and fought till our magic was almost entirely drained. What are you doing up there Happy? Why is it taking so long?

Happy's POV

We found out who the mage was. It was a little girl with pink hair. Though she is young she has an immense amount of magic power and she doesn't really know how to use the magic so she is 100% dangerous. The mage kept running around dodging our grabs.

"HEYYYY STOP DOING THOSE TERRIBLE THINGS TO MY FRIENDS! AND PLEASE STOP RUNNING!!!" no matter how much we screamed at her, she was just giggle and continue from where she left off. We tried running after her, but she was too fast. We tried cornering her, but she would just jump past us. She is impossible to catch!

She sticked her tongue out at me and said.

"Gomen little Neko, it's really fun to see them struggle so I won't stop. Hehe! Catch me catch me!"

Natsu&Happy's POVs


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