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~The next morning~

Lucy's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and sat on the bed, I rubbed my eyes sleepily and looked around. I saw Natsu sleeping soundly at the couch and I couldn't resist smiling. Natsu looks so cute and peaceful when he's asleep. I walked over to Natsu as quietly as possible, sat down on the floor beside him and whispered softly

"Natsu~ it's time to wake up" I smiled as his mouth moved slightly at the sound of my voice. I placed my hand on his head and pet him lightly. His mouth moved again into a smile this time. I continued petting him lightly till he eventually woke up.

"Ohayo, Lucy"


I stood up and went to the bathroom to freshen up and get dressed. I came out in my normal clothing and I told Natsu it was time to go back to the guild. I waited for Natsu on the bed where Happy was sleeping on. I shook Happy lightly and said

"Happy, we're leaving soon, wake up~"

Happy got up unwillingly and went to the bathroom where Natsu was. I sat there, recalling what happened last night and my heart fluttered. Natsu likes me too, I'm so happy to hear that.

I lay down onto the bed and just kept recalling the words he had said to me the night before. A smile crept onto my face then a thought struck me, u dating Natsu..officially? He just told me he like me and I like him..we aren't together right? Well not yet at least. Right? My train of thought was interupted by Natsu calling me.

We left the hotel and decided to go window shopping in the town we were in as we had time to spare. After a few hours of walking around, we headed back to the guild by train and it was night time when we reached. Man was I exhausted! I headed home immediately after getting off the train. I fell asleep instantly upon hitting the bed.

The Choices I Have To Make. (NaLu or GrayLu?)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora