― eight: adhd

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[ CHAPTER 08 : ADHD : desperado, why don't you come to your senses. you've been out ridin' fences for so long now, oh, you're a hard one. i know that you've got your reasons. these things that are pleasin' you, can hurt you somehow. don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy, she'll beat if she's able. you know the queen hearts is always your best bet.]


          DETENTION IS HELD IN the school library. The library is pristine to the brim. Every wooden bookcase is in tip top condition, with books lining each and every shelf. It's a two-story building, just off the left side of the quad. But inside it's relatively small. The first floor holds the bulk of material, and the information desk. Up top is a loft, overlooking the first floor, where desks and computer stations line the bay window oriented area. A lot of students come here for their free time, since it's quiet and food is allowed inside. But, Parker never found it appealing for eating lunch. Yes, her ideal place is where books, and calmness lie. But, for lunch, it just seemed odd and seeing as the cafeteria is on the whole other side of campus: what's the point in walking two miles just to eat food? Which, is why the library seems so new to her.

          Detention has already started by the time she's managed to grab her books, a bag of chips to snack on, and walk her slow butt through the quad to get there. Parker's not sure what makes her feel so restricted―the sight of Leo already sitting there, or the bleak colors of burgundy, brown, and black that cover the library. Maybe both?

          Detention is held on the upper levels, to the right of the computer lab, at the desks near the windows. And, it actually surprises Parker that Leo's already there. Leaning on one of the wooden stools, with his feet propped up on the desk, snacking on Doritos, and promptly pissing off their detention teacher who looks like he's already given up.

          Quickly, Parker shuffles her way up the wrought iron staircase, to brush pass their teacher, and take a seat a few chairs away from Leo. She throws her snacks inside a drawer for later, and takes out her mandatory English assignment, to work on while she dwindles in her self-pity. The pencil in her hand barely scrapes against the paper, as she tries her best to think about the material in front of her.

          "Doing homework?" Leo drops into the chair beside her, his hand going to lie behind her back while his other hand reaches up to tap at her papers. Parker swats him away, sending a scowl in his direction. He smiles at her in return, "You're such a good student." His hand―from behind her―reaches up to ruffle her brown hair. And, again, she smacks it away in frustration.

          Instead of talking―as that really seems like it doesn't work―she gestures toward a sign standing on the desk where their teacher sits. It reads:

          No eating.

          No sleeping.

          Absolutely NO talking.

          Leo chuckles as his hand rests on the back of her chair again. "Do you actually think anyone follows the rules?" His fingers point over at the few students around them. Some sleep. Some eat. Other's leave as their teacher nods off to sleep―blissfully ignorant to what's going on around him. "Besides, I can't resist talking to you."

          Parker rolls her eyes, "You are so annoying."

          "And you're beautiful." He adds with a smile.

          Parker snorts as her pencil drops from her hand, and her body swivels to face him fully. Excited, Leo straightens up as his smile grows at the prospect of her saying anything to him that could be remotely kind. "Why are you here, Leo?" She asks, reverting back to her original thoughts. A sigh leaves her mouth, "You're not the type of person to attend detention."

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