Ashido's Despair

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Bakugo, Aeon and Mina were all asleep in their separate beds, the heroes both having dreamless slumbers. Mina's mind was active, however, and highly disturbed. 

She woke up in a cold sweat, and looked around the room, feeling like she was being watched. Aeon and Bakugo were both out cold, and the latter was snoring like a truck. She slipped out from her covers, with a makeshift acid knife in her hand. 

Mina tip-toed over to Bakugo, clutching the knife tighter. She lowered it to his cheek, almost pressing the blade against it. 

"What am I doing?" she thought, raising the knife in the air. She slammed it down forcefully, and right into his head. 

Then she woke up. 

Aeon's eyes fluttered open annoyedly, after hearing a constant noise nearby. He was a light sleeper, which was normally useful for a pro-hero, but he just wanted some rest. He rose his head nervously, seeing the shadow of Mina shaking in her bed. 

"Hey," whispered Aeon, but she didn't respond. He muttered to himself, trudging out of his blankets and toward the scarred villain. Aeon was still incredibly scared of interacting with her, but he knew that it was only right. 

He placed a hand on her bare shoulder, waiting for her to twist around and attack him. She didn't do anything of the sort, and stayed in her current position. For some reason, this triggered a reaction that he had been restraining for the entirety of the time that they had been reunited. 

"Why?" he asked, softly into her ear. He knew she could hear him, and wanted a clear answer more than anything. He wanted her to stare into his eyes and tell him everything that had happened ever since they separated. He wanted to hear her energetic, pleasing voice once again. 

She said nothing, and stayed put on the bed. 

Anger began to grow inside Aeon, and even though he would never hurt Mina hatefully, he wanted more than anything to make her speak to him. 

"WHY DID YOU DO IT, MINA? DID YOU FORGET WHAT WE ONCE HAD?" he shouted, causing Bakugo to jump awake suddenly. He stared at the two before leaving the apartment without a second thought. In his mind, if they were to reconcile, they would have to be alone. 

"If you really cared for me, why would you hurt me like this?" whispered Aeon, clenching his grip on her. "After all of the villains we faced, why would you EVER want to become one?" 

Mina turned around to face him, tears pouring from her eyes. 

"B...because I didn't h-have a choice..." 


Mina Ashido had just completed her second month at Yokarusa Academy, which was a small hero school far away from U.A. She unfortunately hated the school and every student in her class because of their relentless bullying and refusal to accept her this late into their time at the academy. 

Mina had joined early in the third year of the academy, which meant all of her classmates had been there for three years. She was the only new student in the class, in addition to having a unique skin tone and horns on her head. Her quirk was also criticized by her classmates for being too deadly, and like a villain's power. 

When she accidentally burned someone's arm during training, she was insulted relentlessly by a select group of students, and was called a villain, a traitor, and many other hurtful things. She wished that fighting back was an option, but the students usually grouped up together to ridicule her in class, at lunch, outside, and even after school. 

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