Concealed Necromancy

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After Aeon claimed that it was possible to bring Tsuyu Asui back from the dead, Tokoyami nearly fainted from shock. He began to wobble back and forth, saying nothing but inaudible mumbling. 

"Tokoyami, are you alright?" asked Aeon, putting both hands on his friend's shoulders. The non-hero nodded, brushing off his little outburst. 

"Did I hear you correctly?" questioned Tokoyami, looking away from the group. "Is it really possible to bring back...Tsu?" 

"Yes, you heard me loud and clear. I just talked with Eraserhead, and it looks like there is someone with the ability to revive people from the dead. He specifically told me to check on the hero, Xev Shexor, and his daughter to make sure they're okay, but I'm sure we can convince him to help us," reassured Aeon. 

He remembered Aizawa telling him that Shexor was very reclusive and strict, only talking to people who he personally deemed important. Aeon didn't care about the man's principles, however, as reviving his fallen allies was his number one priority. 

"Well then, we should head out," blurted Bakugo, motioning for everyone to leave. After Aeon and Tokoyami had exited, Mina rose from her position on the bed and walked towards the door. Bakugo stopped Mina dead in her tracks, with less hostility than before. 

"Don't make me regret this," he whispered, letting her pass without restrictions. If anything were to happen to Aeon because of Mina, he would not hesitate to beat her senseless. 

Aeon went outside the apartment first, scouting for anyone suspicious, but found nothing. After a minute, he motioned for everyone to follow. Tokoyami volunteered to drive, sliding into the driver's seat. 

"This is a pretty nice car," commented Tokoyami, grasping the steering wheel tightly. 

"Thanks, I just got it painted," grinned Bakugo, leaning back to look at Aeon and Mina. They were both seated in the back, and on separate devices. 

Aeon was analyzing Aizawa's final message, and was unsure why he had sent it. 

"Don't mention that I sent you." 

"Why would Shexor not want to know that you sent me?" thought Aeon, slouching down into his seat. "Does he really not care about his friend?" 

Tokoyami peered at Mina in the rearview mirror, taking note of her "interesting" clothing. She was wearing a loose black shirt with a short turquoise skirt, which was similar to the ones given at U.A. 

"Is that your new hero costume?" joked Tokoyami, sneering at her. 

"No, it's just something Lord Explosion Murder gave me," she replied, trying to relieve some of the tension between her and Bakugo. 

"Haha, very funny," he growled, crossing his arms poutingly. He checked for any updates from the police station, but had received nothing. 

"Why would the police give us the wrong place?" 

Aeon's eyes widened at this, making him realize that they had indeed messed up when they ordered the two heroes to investigate the forest. They only found villains, no hostages in sight.

"I don't understand, Aeon. Icy Hot and Shinso were supposed to be hostages, but they were fighting against us. Was it a set up?" 

"I wouldn't be surprised," sighed Aeon, knowing deep down that it was DEFINITELY a set up. There was no way any hostages were in that forest. 

"Villains are getting smarter every day it seems," added Tokoyami, noticing Bakugo glance at Mina after he said that. "Bakugo, is something wrong?" 

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