6.In the Library

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I basically ran out of the classroom luckily my dorm wasn't far away. As I walked into the common room Jenna was standing in the middle looking pissed.
"Where have you been. I need to copy the astronomy homework! It was doe today!" she demanded.
I was annoyed enough I can't handle her right now.
"Can't you just do it yourself for once?" I asked back.
She looked surprised by my backtalk.
"Because that is what friends do for each other!"
We aren't friends!
I wanted to shout but keept myself quiet. Having no energy to fight I just said she can copy it on the Library. I still had to do a essay for transfiguration. And I really needed distraction.

As we walked to the library Jenna kept talking about some sixth year Ravenclaw I've never heard of.
"I thought you had a crush on Travis?" I asked confused.
"Na he is so boring, only hanging around his two friends. Kinda sad don't you think?"
I just replied with a agreeing 'mh'.
If that sounds than what am I?

As we sat on a rather large table and Jenna began to copy my homework I saw someone enter. But couldn't quite make out who it was.
I just went to a shelf and searched for the right book. Not long after I found it.
Writting notes was always a hidden talent of mine. After I wrote half a paper with notes I noticed someone approached the table.

I kicked Jenna's leg under the table as she looked up to complain the someone said
"Could I have a word with you?" Travis viewed Jenna as he saw me he added
She agreed on the spot and I needed to find a new spot out of reach.

I found a small table near the end of the library. But with some affort I could still watch them talk.
Travis sat beside her and made a smug face. He began to talk properly about how great he is. Jenna looked rather bored.
As he laid his arm around her she was shocked.
And explained something what seemed to make him really angry. Travis stood up and stormed out.

Checking if he was really gone I carefully went back to the table.
"And?" I questioned her.
"Oh he asked me out." she answered unimpressed.
"What did you say?" I way genuinely interested.
She took a moment.
"I paniced so I said you wouldn't like it if I had a boyfriend and you don't" she explained. My mouth went open.
"Don't be angry! I needed an excuse ok?"
I didn't respond

Now he hates me even more!
Jenna was done copying my homework and left me alone. Not that I thought she would think about waiting for me.
I wrote the essay. It was a pretty good one I hope Professor McGonagall thinks so too.
As I walked out of the Library I prayed for not seeing Travis and his friends. To my luck was he nowhere to be seen.

I actually had planned on skipping dinner but Jenna demanded on me coming with her. When we entered the great hall I saw Travis shooting death glares at me but I knew he couldn't do anything here.
I didn't dare to look up to the teachers table the fear of spotting Professor Snape was way to big.

After finding our seats began Jenna to talk with her friends ignoring me completely.
I couldn't eat the memories I tried so hard to forget were now so clear as if they happened yesterday.
I shiver as Jenna padded my shoulder to signaliz she was ready to go. We stood up and went back to our dorms.

Ready to die I jumped into my bed and fell asleep in seconds. I was just to exhausted. Would the extra training with Snape continue?
Either way he now thinks I'm a pathetic student that couldn't even protect their own sister.

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