Chapter 20

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~ flashback ~

I had to get out of here now, even if I come back, I can't be here when Adam gets back. I pick the cover of the duvet off me, it was covered in stains which were unidentifiable. I move to sit on the edge of the bed and it creaked as I did so. Picking up my shorts from off the floor I slipped them over my legs, which were laced with bruises, just as the smell of cannabis and rotten alcohol filled my nose. The red crop top I put on luckily covered most of the bruises on my torso.

I didn't make any money last night. Adam wanted 600 from the guy who was lucky enough to 'have a go'. But it turned out he wasn't interested in making a bid, just in having his way with me. If Adam returns asking for the 600, and I hand him nada, I dread to think what would happen.

So, I did the only thing plausible, I tip toed quietly round to end of the bed as I didn't want to wake a sleeping customer. Picking up his jeans and finding the back pocket, I take his wallet and shove it into my back pocket.

I had to make my escape and fast. The man who was sprawled on the bed started to stir and I begin to frantically find an easy escape.

There's a square window at the far side of the room which I'm sure I could squeeze out of. I run to it on the balls of my feet trying to make sure the floorboards wouldn't creak, or my toes get caught in the gaps and trip me over.

I unlock the hatch to the window and it creaked slightly, waking up my 'customer'. I knew I had to hurry otherwise I could end up dead, or worse.

I grab the curtain rail, which at one point had a full set of red curtains hanging from them, with both hands; picking my body off the ground allowing me to swing my feet into the window with force, shattering the thin pane of glass. If he wasn't awake before, he certainly would be now.

I hold on to the sides of the window Pane for balance as my feet find the roof which slopes downwards.

"Hey!" The masculine voice of the drunken man called scuttering around in the room I'm leaving behind. Immediately, I let go of the panes, letting my body go into a free fall down the roof. Luckily, I had my feet straight out in front of me, allowing them to get caught in the gutter which in turn helped me regain my balance before jumping the remaining distance to the ground. I look over my shoulder briefly to see the man hot on my tail, following the same route I took out the window. Immediately, I break into a sprint heading deep into the amity forest behind the house, brushing past trees and great long vines.

I hoped to outrun the man but figures he was ex-dauntless. The athleticism of this bloke wasn't explainable through being amity born or any other faction for that matter. He was still right behind me at every turn. Once it became evident that there was no way of getting too far from him, I decide it would be a better approach to tire him out. However, the lack of sleep hit me first and my foot carelessly got caught under a fallen tree branch, causing me to fall to the ground.

The man quickly pounces on me, using any dauntless restraint he could squeeze out of his perverted memory.

"Get off of me!" I shout, spitting in his face while scrambling to squeeze out of his grip however this man was roughly twice the size of me and his weight kept me firm on the ground.

"Where's the money?!" He screams, the cannabis evident in his eyes. I thrash around as he starts grabbing me in weird places, clearly looking for his wallet. "Where?!"

"You got what you want! The money's mine!" I shout back. Continuing to thrash about underneath him as one of his hands goes to start groping my lower back and the other goes to his pocket. "Get off me you creep!"

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