Chapter 1

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Frank's P.O.V

New school. New start. That's what mum told me after she moved me here. I guess I could try it. Maybe I could even make friends this time. Yeah and maybe I'll be famous one day. Keep dreaming, Frank.

I walk into the school gates and stop in my tracks as I see a red headed kid laughing on a school bench. He was holding his stomach as he laughed. He was hot. I mean fucking drop dead gorgeous. He fell off the bench. But never stopped laughing. The guys round him were laughing too.

A guy with a dark fro sat with his back to me. A guy with short strawberry blonde hair sat beside him. Next to where the laughing red head was sat was a blond guy with glasses. He was trying to help the red head up. The red head just laid down on his back and crossed his legs at the ankles, smiling up at the others as he calmed himself down. He laced his fingers over his stomach and howled really loud. All eyes turned to him.

The guy in glasses looked round then down at the red head. "Come on, bruv." He said. "Everyone's staring at you."

Red head shrugged. "Let em look." He sat up on his elbows and smiled at his brother. "What's a matter, Mikey? I'm not embarrassing you am I?"

Mikey laughed. "Always."

The red head stood up and bowed to him. "Why thank you. I aim to please."

Mikey shook his head. "You've lost it."

The strawberry blonde laughed. "He never had it."

Red head put his hand over his heart and faked hurt. "That hurts." He shot back, then dropped his hand and smiled. "Besides. You wasn't saying that last night, babe."

"Wait...what?" The guy sounded shocked. "I never...we never...I'm not gay."

The red head started laughing again. "Chill, Bob. I'm just messing with ya."

Bob laughed. "Your a ass, Gerard Way."

Gerard Way. What a great name.

"Watching my ass now are ya?"

"Obviously not." Bob protested. "I'm not gay."

"Do you have a problem with gay people then?" Gerard asked, looking serious.

"No." Bob sounded scared.

"If he was, he wouldn't be hanging with you." The fro added.

Gerard smiled. "Good point." He looked at Bob. "Are you scared of me cos you act all jumpy round me."

"What do you expect?" Bob asked.

Gerard sighed. "Your my friend, Bob." He said as he picked up a backpack off the floor and swung it over his shoulder. "I'd rather die than hurt you or see you get hurt. You should always remember that. I promise." He put his hand on the table between the benches. "Friends for life."

Mikey put his hand on his. "Cobra Kid."

The fro put his hand on top. "Jet Star."

Bob put his hand on top. "Desert Skeleton."

Gerard smiled. "Party Poison."

They all smiled. "Killjoys never die." They chorused.

"See." Gerard said as he turned to walk towards the school building. "That wasn't so bad."

I watched as the male students looked at him with fear and envy. The females watched him with lust and longing. Can't say I blame them. He's definitely getting the same look from me as he is the girls.

I collect my schedule from the office then head to my first lesson. Art. I enter the art room and drop a new student note on the teachers desk then I sit at the back by the window. I look towards the door as it opens. Bob and Fro walk in laughing. Gerard walks in after them, shaking his head.

"Not funny." He says, but smiles. My heart melts as I see him.

Bob and Fro sit at the table infront of me. Bob by the window. Gerard stays by the teachers desk. A grey haired smiling man walked in and sat behind the desk. Gerard smiled at him.

"Good morning, Gerard." The man, the teacher, says. "How's Donna today?"

Gerards smile fades. "She's not been good all night, Mr Carter."

Mr Carters smile fades. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. How's Mikey?"

Gerards face lights up. "Having nightmares about me turning into a werewolf."

Mr Carter laughs. "Weird boy." He takes a piece of paper from Gerard. Then Gerard walks towards Fro and sits at the table next to him.

He rests his head on the table. "I need an hour."

Fro looks worried. "You know mum said if you need her just ask?" He says. "That goes for me too. I got yer back."

Gerard sits up and smiles. "Thanks Ray."

"You know you should draw yourself in class today. Todays subject is mythical beings."

Gerard looks at him seriously. "I am not a mythical being." He shakes a finger at him. "And my pack will not like you saying we are."

Ray laughs then all eyes turn to the front of class as Mr Carter calls names out.

"Today's project is mythical beings." Mr Carter stated.

Gerard smiled. "Is psychics with fro's classed as mythical, sir." He asked. "Cos Ray predicted this topic."

Everyone laughed.

I kept stealing glances at Gerard through the whole lesson. He never noticed. If he did, he hid it well. This is going to be a interesting year.

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