십 - 𝕋𝕖𝕟

190 15 19

aren't they just angelic

When I woke up and rolled over, I was greeted with the sight of my work clothes on the floor. Which meant I didn't shower. Groaning as I rose off my mattress, I groggily made the small quest to the bathroom.

Not turning on the light, I stubbed my toe before finally being able to hop into the tub. Bathing quickly, I went back out a little less groggy and changed into the most basic black t-shirt and black jeans.

With a strong craving for waffles and coffee, I set out to the kitchen.


Arriving at school, I bee-lined for the library, giving Hyuck a break from me and also attempting to get more sleep. At least Mrs. Bang might cut me some slack, she popped into the restaurant yesterday...

Almost bumping into someone, I apologised hastily and continued for my spot in the corner next to the window. Upon sitting down, someone clunked next to me.

"Tired too, huh?" Came a voice that wasn't particularly familiar to me. Glancing up for a second or two, I found it to be the senior class's clown –otherwise known as Jackson Wang.

After letting out an audible sigh, I heard him chuckle. "Well, anyways, I'm here to formally invite you and at least 3 of your friends to my friends' birthday party on Saturday.

"Purely for entertainment purposes, but here's the card, freshmen and sophomores only, he's in your grade." He said after sliding it to me. Not having enough energy to respond, I gave him a thumbs up; hearing a "big bet," the older got up and walked away.

The bell rang shortly afterwards, signalling that it's time for me to head to chorus.

While walking, I looked at the card and saw the most terrible graphic design ever, with bubble letters and ombre colours and everything. Of course it's Felix's party, only he'd come up with something like this...

Barely reaching the door to the choir room –or classroom they used for choir, either worked– I took my seat next to Jeno. Thankful for however little and disturbed sleep I managed to scrape up in the library, I sat up and waited for our teacher to start the lesson.

Feeling eyes on me, I look to my right and see Jeno staring at me. Noticing the dangling cross earrings he wore and his soft eyes, my heart slowly beat out my chest into my throat. Hastily averting my gaze, I found it safer to stare at the back of Renjun's head. Drifting off, I didn't even hear the instructions given –I was too busy thinking about the boys that I liked.

A small shove brought me back to the land of the waking. As soon as he started talking, I panicked.

"We're picking songs to do for the class next week, ad also if we're in the class it's mandatory for us to be in the choir."

The mini heart attack was because we had to perform in front of the class. Then the real heart attack came when I realised I had to stay after school for choir now; which meant that I'd either A, have to quit one of my jobs, or B, ask for a shift change.

Neither seemed appealing. But alas, all is fair in school and little space I believe. 

A sigh heaved from my gut, and I heard Chan –our teacher refused to use their last name, or binary pronouns– yell out "THAT'S THE TYPE OF BREATHING I WANT ALL THE TIME, MR. NA!"

영원히 - 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣| ℕ𝕠ℝ𝕖𝕟𝕄𝕚𝕟Where stories live. Discover now