십오 - 𝔽𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

140 12 21

well guess we all like boys

We went to my house before heading to Donghyuck's so that I could grab some clothes and my toothbrush. Jeno parked the car and I rushed in and out, pausing for a second before I grabbed Mojun and stuffed him in my bag.

The car ride was short, as we chat about how our day went, laughing about how Donghyuck was too busy staring at Mark to notice us, and fawned over how cute Renjun was.

Getting there, I couldn't tell if we were the first or the last ones there. Jeno's car was the only other one there, but that doesn't mean the others didn't either catch a ride with Mark and Hyuck, or they weren't there yet. Looking at each other and nodding, we got out and walked up to the door.

"LEE DONGHYUCK, OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!" Jeno yelled, pounding his fist against the door.

"You know, you could just ring the bell," I said, rolling my eyes. "But if we must yell; OPEN IT SIMP!"

"I'M COMING, DAMN, CAN'T I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND IN PEACE?" A muffled shout came through he wood. When he opened the door, I see Donghyuck with red hair instead of his old brown.

"The one time I'm riding on your less than great time management skills, you're early, what the hell?"

"Yes, we will come in, thank you for asking Donghyuck, 'No problem guys'," Jeno mimed out beside me, pushing through the door. Hyuck gave me an exasperated look, then whispered to me, "You're so gay for him." With a smile, I shook my head walking on in.

I found Jeno whispering something to Mark, who had his eyes widened as he sat on the floor.

Setting my bag down gently -I didn't want to hurt Mojun- I flung myself into the couch. "Mark, gimme food." I demand.

"Starve." He said as he looked me dead in the eye. All is going to plan, now to see if Hyuck wants to feed me..."

"Come on, skunk," The red haired boy said, walking to the kitchen.

Getting off the couch, I winked and Jeno, who glanced all over the place and hugged a cushion in embarrassment. Before fully disappearing, Mark gave me a thumbs up, and turned back to Jeno, who was calming down.

In the kitchen, Donghyuck took down two three-minute ramen cups and filled the kettle with enough water for both. While we waited, I wondered how to tell him about what happened yesterday.

"You look like you wanna say something," The older boy started saying.

"Kinda, yeah, I guess"

"Then say it already rat boy, the suspense is killing me," He whined. Different hair colour, same personality, not like he'd ever change...

"Well, you see, something happened yesterday," I got cut off with a small squeal.

"Ooh, what happened, did Renjun text you saying he liked you! Did you text him saying you liked him? Did-"

"Shut up and let me tell you, damn," I returned the cut off with a sarcastic smile. "Anyways, so like, I was walking home with Jeno, and I thought of this dumb question, and he answered it, but near the end he said something about little business,

"So I brought up him saying he wanted to tell me something, or ask me something, I don't know. But like, he asked me out, then said 'He knew I'd say no, cause I like Renjun' blah blah blah," Donghyuck was looking at me like this was his favourite show.

"And I was all like, 'There is no 'no' when it comes to you," I went on, before I continued, the kettle went off and we poured it into the cups.

"So we went inside and he asked me what I meant, and I kissed him!" I said excitedly.

"YOU KISSED HIM!" Hyuck squealed in delight. "You did it yourself! Did he kiss back? Are you gonna date?" The older boy asked.

"HE KISSED BACK! And we're going out on Monday!" I felt like a kid in a candy shop, or like two kids talking about which Tamagotchi they got for Christmas.

"I'm sooo happy for you! Why didn't you tell me today though?" He asked, slightly disheartened.

"You heard how you just reacted," I laughed it off. "Imagine you yelling that at school,"

"Fair point," He said, stirring his ramen and walking back to the living room. Picking up my cup and a the first utensils I saw, I followed him. As we sat down, me on the floor and Hyuck on the couch behind Mark, the doorbell rang. Groaning, Donghyuck set down his cup and walked over to the door.

Taking the chance and forgetting about Mark, Jeno leaned over to me and gave me a small kiss on my cheek. Smiling, heat rose in my chest as I felt the good feeling again. The older boy sat back down, but he scooted closer to me, thighs touching. Still eating, I held the chopsticks with some stray noodles on them to his mouth. Hearing a gagging sound, I turned around to see Mark faking a gag.

I shook my head and continued to feed Jeno. Donghyuck walked in with Chan and another woman, who was wearing heels and a black dress suit.

"But, but Kangseul—" Donghyuck was whining to the lady.

"No buts, Donghyuck, you cannot use my makeup on your friends!" She told.

"Love, Seulgi, my darling,  just let him use on of your old eye shadow pallettes, this one time?" Chan reasoned with the woman, Seulgi. Their eyes held a pleading cunningness, Now I see where he gets it from…

"Fine, but only this one time!" She conceded. "I swear, if it wasn't for Chan you'd be using something else," Seulgi muttered, a rose dust across her cheeks.

"I love you!" Hyuck lilted, giving her a hug and giving Chan a kiss on the cheek.

Chan circled their arms around the other woman after she took off her heels. "He's having a sleepover with some of his friends, if you want we can go over to Juhyun and have some fun?"

The woman nodded, "But you're driving, without the heels I can't reach the brakes,"

"Shortie," Chan laughed, retracting their hands from the shorter woman's waist.

"I'm older than you!" She replied, giving our teacher a slap on the arm.

"Thanks again, teddy," Donghyuck had come back down the stairs and directed the statement towards the woman. "Oh yeah, Bibi, did you tell Nan—"

"This morning," Chan respond, taking the woman's hand and walking back out the door. "See you on like, Saturday or something, don't burn the house down, you know what, here;" They stop and pull a wallet out their back pocket.

"Enough money to order food for like, what, seven of you? For two days, bye!" Donghyuck's aunt? uncle? what are they to him? said as they ran back out the door, Seulgi following behind them.


In two hours, the doorbell rang three more times. The first signalling the arrival of Jungwoo and Minho –who begrudgingly came so that he could "spend time with his official pain in the ass"– then for the pizza. Last to arrive was Renjun.

Apparently, he came already prepared, as his dad pulled out the drive way, the small boy stood in black and blue pajamas already.

"Alright y'all boys, let's get this party started," Donghyuck said sitting on the floor next to Mark and Renjun.

영원히 - 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣| ℕ𝕠ℝ𝕖𝕟𝕄𝕚𝕟Where stories live. Discover now