이십 - 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪

133 10 14

this is fun

After Renjun came down with a new bag  of clothes, we set out for my place. Still in the back seat, I pulled out my phone and chose a song to play. Closing my eyes, I lay my head on Renjun's shoulder as the older boy hummed along to the sweet sound of Feel Something by Bea Miller.

The car glided over the asphalt like my hands through my lovers' hair. Feeling the turn –you know, the one that you used as a kid to know when you're at home– I opened my eyes and sat up properly. Receiving a small surprise kiss on the cheek from Renjun, I opened the car door and we tumbled out.

Digging around in my bag for a couple seconds, I unlocked the front door and watched Jeno barrel onto the couch and lay his full length on the piece of furniture.

Tossing my bag to the side, I collapsed into the chair beside the couch. Looking up, I saw Renjun standing aimlessly in the hallway, bag with his party clothes hanging limply by his side.

"Why are you just standing there? You don't need an invitation; unless you're a vampire," I say, throwing out my theory and eyeing the insanely attractive boy with mock suspicion.

"Thanks for the invite, but I'm not a vampire,"

"That's what a vampire would say."

"Shut up! I'm just wondering how I got two pretty boys to like me." He answered me.

"You know, it's only twelve, who wants to watch something?" Jeno asks, finally sitting up and taking up the remote. Renjun, having finally come in, sat next to the taller boy and said "Me, but it's my choice, 'cause I'm the cutest one here."

Not saying anything, I rolled my eyes and stick out my hand in a "sure, why not" gesture. Deciding to be nosy, I took Renjun's bag from his side and went through the garments he had in it.

"This won't do at all, Mr. Huang! No earrings, no bracelets, not even eyeliner!" I exclaim when I found only cloth and leather. Letting out a dramatic, heavy sigh, I shook my head. "Guess I'll have to do your make-up by myself,

"Such a hard life, being the glue in this relationshi— HEY!" I exclaim when he cut me off with a smack on my arm. That shit actually hurt, damn...

"But seriously, I'm gonna make you look hotter than you already are." I say to the small boy.

"Yeah, yeah, fine, I still want to pick a show though." The older responds with a lazy smile. I rolled my eyes, watching as Jeno fake yawned.

Renjun proceeded to pick Ouran High School Host Club, saying it was purely for the plot and not because Tamaki was a mood. Watching about five episodes, I voiced out that we should start getting ready.

"I call first!" Jeno yelped, running up the stairs and to my bathroom. Groaning because I knew how long he'd take, I grabbed Renjun's hand and went to the kitchen.

In full display were my froggy plates and Brave teacup set. Darn you, glass cabinets!

"Dude, are those the limited edition Brave teacups‽ I'm robbing you, right now." The silver hairs boy said to me. "This is a robbery, hand over the goods." He used his hand as a makeshift gun, making the cutest attempt to look intimidating.

Laughing, I filled the coffeemaker with water and pressed my two-and-a-half shot button. In a few minutes, I had my so called death drink ready and I grabbed Renjun's hand; dragging him up the stairs to my room.

Setting the cup down, I headed over to my closet, shifting through the tops and pants I owned. Considering I had two more opinions, I selected an array of combinations to test out.

Making light conversation, I opened my mouth. "You know," I paused for a moment, hoping Renjun could hear me. "I like how we've been dating for like, fifteen hours and I already feel right, like this is actually something to fight for,"

Coming out of the closet, I continued on to say "It feels natural to be around you two." Tossing the many garments onto my bed, I caught Renjun staring at something on the far side of my room. It was my still discarded, messy colouring of Orange Blossom.

"You must really like kids stuff, dude. But yeah, I guess, I don't think I ever really stopped liking you." The older boy fiddled with his fingers. "I kind of just convinced myself you wouldn't like me back, but now, I don't know,

"I have this kind of –like, urge, I guess– to take care of you. And Jeno, of course."

At this, Jeno came in, fully dressed in a black long sleeve crop top, and white ripped jeans. A single, thin chain fell from one of his belt loops. The sight was so inexplicably sexy all I could do was stare.

He stood there with a shit eating grin on his face, as if that was helping me. "Someone has to go next, it starts at five you know,"

"I'll go, Jaemin's too busy staring anyway," Renjun said. Snapping out of my haze, I found him a towel set and let him go before me.

Deciding to actually sift through the clothes I'd thrown on the bed, I asked Jeno for help in choosing an outfit.

Of the many, we agreed on a white dress shirt that I was to tuck in to the black jeans and a black leather jacket. Waiting until I came out the shower, I thought of what jewelry and make up I'd add.

Wanting to pass the time, Jeno and I sat on the edge of my bed, him playing on his phone while I stared. Taking entertainment into my own hands, I playfully grabbed the older's phone; effectively ruining his game. The blond boy was slightly annoyed as he tried to reach for the device in my hand.

Failing in retrieving the phone, he landed on top of me, using his elbows to prop himself up. Forgetting about the electronic, the boy above me looked into my eyes. Slowly leaning down, our lips connected in a soft kiss before separating. Flopping on the bed by my side, I held his hand and put the phone down. We stayed like this until Renjun came out.

We both sat up, taking in the thin boy before us. The tips of his hair were damp, a few droplets of water remaining. The deep blue jeans on his slim legs and a loose fitting white t-shirt made him look like one of those fifties heartthrobs. A yellow leather jacket topped off the look.

"I cannot wait to doll you up," I said, taking in the boy before me.

"I can't wait to see what you do to him," Jeno said from my side.

"You're not doing any?" Renjun asked, referring to the make up and accessories. Shaking his head, Jeno explained.

"I just don't like it, plus my skin get irritated easily."

Nodding his head in understanding, Renjun sat on the windowsill while I gathered my clothes to go shower.

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