이십일 - 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕆𝕟𝕖

128 11 8

this'll all be alright, i feel it

Once out the bathroom, I sat at my dresser in my –you guessed it– pink and orange semi-throne style vanity chair before realising I was supposed to be doing Renjun's makeup. Beckoning the older over to me, he took a pillow off the end of my bed and came over to sit in front of me on the floor. 

Jeno was still playing on his phone when the oldest boy looked up at me through his eyelashes. Hoping my shade of foundation was close enough to his, I started applying the matte liquid to his skin. Satisfied with the match, I browsed through my range of eye shadows; deciding on a shimmering, leafy green.

"Don't do too much, Nana," The boy before me requests. "Some lip balm or something is all I really need,"

Humming in agreement, I added some eyeliner to his already lovely eyes. The light blue fluid stood out against his smooth skin and the green eye-shadow that graced his face. Hands steady, I reach over the vanity to a small box of lip products. Looking through, I decide on an ice cream cake flavoured balm with a slight pink tint.

"Here, you know where your lips are," I laugh while handing Renjun the small tube of lip balm. Now focusing myself, i already knew what i was going to do. Dusting the brush across a deep maroon, and then my eyelids, I held my own gaze in the mirror.

"Not trying to distract you—" 

"Yes you are," 

"Yes I am," Jeno admits. "But you look very nice when you're doing make up." He says pointedly.

"I am looking respectfully," Renjun says after I respond to their statements with a nose scrunch before sticking out my tongue. "I am looking, not so respectfully," Jeno says playfully. I roll my eyes lazily, and settle on one of my more expensive lip products. 

The red wine flavoured balm had a slight tint and I smiled at myself in the mirror. "And we're done! We can swing by an art store or something to get a present,"

"Let's go, cuties," Jeno says happily while heading out my room. Renjun holds my hand and then joins his other with Jeno's once out the room. Yes it was somewhat difficult to walk down the stairs while holding the hands of my boyfriends –yes, I'm enjoying being able to call them that– but that's the beauty of it. When we got to the car, Jeno looked at us sternly. "No passive aggressive kissing in the backseat," His eyes landed on mine and –not to be cliché or anything– my heart skipped a small beat. "And no whining."

I was going to complain, but that would only prove his point so I kept my mouth shut and huffed.

"You're cute when you pout," Renjun blurts out. I retract my hand from where it's being held in his and lightly slap his arm in embarrassment. All he does is smile at me and my heart flips at the sight. We get into the car and Jeno finally pulls out.


A soft piano song drifts through my boyfriend's car windows as we pull out of the art store's parking lot. We'd picked out some (expensive) artisan paintbrushes and a silvery-blue water colour palette for our friend's birthday gift. 

"What song is this?" I lazily ask Jeno. My hair was now roused from lying on Renjun's lap and him running his pretty hands through it.

The older boy up front then checks his phone at the stoplight. "Drinks On The House As Heard In New Amsterdam, by Daniel May, why?" He shifts the car back into motion with his answer and we turn.

"I dunno, just sounds nice..."

Renjun hums in agreement and his hand stops carding through my hair as he caresses my cheek. Eyes closed, I simply hum in contentment. It's all going to be fine, we'll tell him and he'll be okay with it. The car comes to a final halt and I sit up to see that the party's at one of those community home things. We'd been able to slip through with another car and were parked outside a tall beige building.

영원히 - 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣| ℕ𝕠ℝ𝕖𝕟𝕄𝕚𝕟Where stories live. Discover now