이십이 - 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕋𝕨𝕠

153 10 3

what kind of dumbass question is that?

"Who do you love more, Jeno or Renjun?" The girl asks Jaemin. My eyes widen at the question, but I'm too tired to fully comprehend what she's asking. I take a quick glance over to the left at Jaemin to see what he's going to say and am quite surprised when I notice his head tilted slightly and his face is screwed in thought.

Another second passes by before he says "I love them both the same."

The blue haired boy takes a moment's pause before continuing. "I might've known Jeno longer, but I've also had a crush on Renjun since middle school. It's not like I can choose between them anyway," He says the last part and looks over at me with a soft smile.

I feel Jeno move and look as he intertwines his hand with Jaemin's and he seems to relax more on my lap. I didn't know it at that very moment, but a wide smile was on my face; satisfied with his answer. Scooting closer to our other lover, his hand parts from Jeno's whilst he wraps his arm around my waist and I rest my head on his shoulder. Jeno leans over and gives the younger boy a quick, fluttering kiss on his cheek and the game continues on. 

Jaemin hastily spun the bottle and retreated back to our former position and when it landed, the mouth of the glass points at him once again. Chuckles come from the circle we're in and he rolls his eyes. This time around, someone else asks him the question to which he responds dare. 

"I dare you to—"

The boy next to Jackson gets cut off by the door to Felix's home opening. Everyone turns to the open glass to see the birthday boy's father. 

"I know you guys are having fun and all, but it's almost twelve A.M," the small man starts. "Now if you please, I want to spend time with my kid for his birthday," A smile graced his face and I immediately knew where Felix got his smile from. Groans rose from everyone, either because they hadn't moved in so long (Jaemin) or because they didn't want to leave (Junhyuk). 

As the back porch emptied out, I gave a last goodbye to Felix before we got to the car. 

"Rennie, can you drive?" Jeno manages to yawn out, fishing the key from out his pocket. "I feel like I'm about to pass out and I am not being held responsible for your death,"

"Alright, let's see if I can see over the hood," I joke out. A sarcastic laugh emits from his mouth as Jaemin loops his arm around his waist for support. Speedily getting in the driver's seat, I take a sip of water that I saw in the cup holder. Jaemin connects his phone to the radio for the GPS and music immediately starts playing. The sweet voice of Jonghyun flows through the speakers before we pull out the drive way.

Once at the community entrance, I glance out the window and see Mark and Donghyuck walking hand in hand. Smiling at my friends –even though they can't see me– I watch them exit and share a small kiss before I can drive off  once again.


Jeno's car coasts into Jaemin's small drive way and the engine shutters out when I remove the key. Looking through the rear view mirror, I laugh a little before waking up my sleeping boyfriends "Jaemi, lovely..."

The boy stirs slightly before nuzzling closer to Jeno's neck and muttering something. Laughing more, I unbuckle my seat belt and shake him with my outstretched hand. Groaning once again, Jaemin slowly opens his eyes before smiling at me. "We're home, love,"

It felt nice to say that, like I should say it more often. Most people would say that we're moving so fast, but it doesn't matter. There are some things that just feel right and you know it should be done then and there. We all move at our own pace, so what if I call Jaemin's house home? So what if it feels good to take care of them although I have a sneaking suspicion that there's more to these two than I already know? I'll take everything in stride at my own pace, and I'll love them to the ends of the world and back.

Jaemin slowly moves out the vehicle, a groggy Jeno still clinging to his side. We made our way to the door, Jaemin having the key in his hand already. Once inside, Jeno makes haste to claim the couch once again.

"You know," the youngest starts. It's a quiet sentence, something that you talk about in the throws of the night while watching the walls talk. "Sometimes when I think about my family, I wonder how my sister's doing...

"I wonder if she's okay with them and if she's happy."

I look at the boy with the deep red eye shadow, the lighting –or lack thereof– making it seem black on his skin. His eyes fluttered before he spoke again. "I hope she's okay, it's not like I'm allowed to talk to her." 

And with that he flops onto the floor with a soft thud in front of Jeno. I sat before him, avoiding the coffee table and held his cheek. "She'll be okay, if she's anything like you she'll pull through," I used my thumb to stroke Jaemin's cheek and he closed his eyes at the touch. 

"I just wanna see her," A tear slipped from his closed eyes and I wipe it away. Quickly rising and rushing to his room, I grab his packet of make-up removers.

Returning to the living room, I see that he seemed to have drifted off into a sad slumber. Heart swelling at the sight, I bend down and gently rub the dried foundation off his face and falter before I could wipe off his eyes. 

Taking my phone from my jacket's pocket, I take a picture of his work before sliding the wipe over his eyelids. Once satisfied with the lack of make up on his face, I remove mine, repeating the process of taking a picture of my eyes. 

I let my mom's jacket slide off my arms before I move beside my lover and loop my arm around his waist. I wanted to stay like this forever, even though I know time stops for no one.

영원히 - 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣| ℕ𝕠ℝ𝕖𝕟𝕄𝕚𝕟Where stories live. Discover now