이십삼 - 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖| Déjà Vu

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i'm feeling so-so

Waking up, my head was pounding, and it took me a minute to realise that I was -once again- passed out on Jaemin's couch. It's happened before, when i wandered over to his place and used the spare key to get in, when we've gone to parties and subsequently gotten drunk, when we ate too much cake on his birthday. What didn't register was that I was freezing freezing. Jeans aren't the best clothes to wear at your boyfriend's subzero house.

It's not like I could even move, or else I'd knee both Renjun and Jaemin in the back of the head. So I lay there, when I can finally open my eyes without feeling extreme pain I stare. When Renjun wakes up he'll have a cramped neck from sleeping with his head on Jaemin's shoulder. The younger boy would also have a cramped neck from having his head leaning on the cushion I had my back on.

Thanking God that I was in swimming and had my fair share of cramps and cricks, I smiled knowing that I could help ease the pain. Being careful about it, I maneuver my way around the boys' heads to get to the kitchen. Once a glass of water was in my hand, I filled the electric kettle with water for the others. A thought floated to the front of my head and I smiled.

I'd make breakfast for the two sleeping boys. Opening the fridge after finishing my water, I retrieve a few eggs, some milk (which I never understood why Jaemin had it, he's lactose intolerant for crisp's sake!) and set them on the counter. The cupboard under the counter had flower and sugar (brown, he keeps the white sugar with his coffee and tea things).

Getting a few bowls and other materials ready, I set to work on pancakes and eggs for the two people who wormed their way into my heart.


By the time Renjun and Jaemin woke up complaining, I'd finished in the kitchen and had time to take a much needed shower. When I walked into the kitchen, Renjun was leaning against the counter, a Hello Kitty mug clasped in both his hands and a plate of food in front of him. I walked around the kitchen divider to see Jaemin being Jaemin, sitting on the floor and stirring a now cold cup of Earl Grey with his pinky finger.

"G'mornin' love." Renjun said, voice still thick with sleep. Giving the older boy a quick peck on the cheek, I bent down to lift Jaemin onto the counter. Placing a longer kiss on his forehead, I gave the two boys a cheery "Good morning, lovelies!"

Jaemin's eyes widened a tad and he hopped quickly from the countertop, rushing up the stairs. Renjun sent me a questioning look, but quickly turned back to the pancakes before him.

We ate quietly, and in ten minutes Jaemin was back down with us, now wearing a loose fitting t-shirt and some blue basketball shorts; a contented smile on his pretty, round face. We stood there in the morning silence before Jaemin said something.

"I had this dream, like, three weeks ago," a small yawn filtered through his sentence. "It was literally like this and I was wearing this and Junnie said he wanted to make toaster waffles and i got a kiss on the cheek from both of you and then you both kissed me properly. I'm rambling, aren't I?

"But anyway, I feel like colouring today."

Renjun let out an airy laugh before leaning over and catching the younger boy's lips in his and my heart burst and melted at the same time. When the two separated, the stars that always permeated Jaemin's big brown eyes twinkled and I almost collapsed from how cute he managed to be. How someone so tall can seem so small, I have absolutely zero clue.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and he leaned in halfway, leaving me to close the gap. My eyes closed when I allowed my head to lean towards his and his soft yet chapped lips made me remember how much I used to think about them. Sparks of affection flowed from my fingertips as I grabbed a hold of Renjun's hand and broke apart from our boyfriend.

hello all, the long awaited ending to 영원히 is finally here! it was such an honour writing and reading all your comments! hope to see you in another book of mine (or maybe even yours!) and wish you all well!

--Lixie out

영원히 - 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣| ℕ𝕠ℝ𝕖𝕟𝕄𝕚𝕟Where stories live. Discover now