Chapter 8: Bash

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February 2020

Having a birthday around the same time as your best friend seems like it would be a really cool part of your friendship.

For me, it means that Harry forces me to join in on his own celebration. Much to my awkward dismay.

So we are having a joint birthday party. Like we're eleven year-old girls.

I'm not naive enough to believe that this party is equally for both of us. But being the considerate person that he is, he has agreed to make it a small affair just to ease my anxiety.

He's also been gone for the last ten days so I have been planning every aspect of the party. I don't mind organizing it alone but the credit card he left to pay for everything does make me a little uncomfortable. Spending other people's money is not something I enjoy.

I think I've done everything on my very long list. I've cleared the guest list with Jed, ordered the catering, and selected some very sophisticated decor. 

I will be 27 after all. Need it to be classy.

Kim has been so helpful as I try to navigate this party. She's the one that thought of the glass dance floor over the pool and the theme. Thank god she has a creative mind because I was so lost.

Harry gets in at 6 tonight which gives him a couple hours before the festivities begin. I've planned it so that we both have our celebrations around midnight. The exact time between our birthdays.

The only real issue for me is the gift. I know he's not expecting something expensive or elaborate. But I still haven't had one good idea of what to get him.

And I have exactly three hours to figure it out.

I'm at a bakery in Los Feliz picking up the massive cake I ordered when I notice a vintage shop next door. What really catches my eye is the amazing brown leather jacket in the window. It stops me dead in my tracks.

I enter through the front door of the shop as a loud buzz signals my arrival. The smell of incense and worn leather fills my head as I go to stare at the mannequin holding the most beautiful jacket I've ever seen.

It's a deep brown leather with a large collar and zip up detail. Buckles attach to the waist belt and the bright floral lining is poking through in its opened state. But the most amazing thing about this jacket is the leather fringe that spreads across the upper back and goes down both sleeves.

It's so 70s. It's so Harry.

I contemplate the $200 price tag but decide it's completely worth it. I don't care that I'll have to eat packaged ramen for two weeks. I can see him in this.

It screams The Ramones meets Woodstock.

With his gift nicely wrapped by the kind older lady who owns the store, I am headed back to Harry's house to finish decorating.


A little after 6, I hear the front door open and the sound of a heavy bag hitting the floor.

He hears me loudly running towards him as his head lifts up to reveal a large grin. His arms open wide just as I slam into him.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY TO YOUUUU!" I scream into his ear as tries to pull away from my loud wailing song.

"You tryna make me deaf at 26, Bean?" He asks as I release him from my hold.

"Yes, that's my plan. That way I can be the best singer in this friendship. It leans way to heavily in your favor right now. I need to even the playing field." I say with a laugh as I pull him by the hand into the large living area.

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