Chapter 11: Blank

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Before my eyes even open, I feel the searing pain in my head. I can hear my pulse in my temples.

Red wine is the worst.

Why did I drink that much?

Oh right, self pity.

I roll over and shove my face into the soft pillow. I really hope Harry doesn't remember that call. Maybe he didn't even hear me over the loud party.

But one thing is for certain; I feel stupid about it now.

I felt hurt and rejected but in my sober morning brain, I realize I sounded like a whiny teenager.

Dumb drunk brain doing dumb things.

I make a loud angry grown into the pillow which muffles the sound. It has to be so early. I know that I barely slept. But I need a shower and I desperately need to hydrate.

A sudden movement on the bed and the slight dipping down of the mattress makes me jump up and flail my body in surprise.

It's Harry.

He's perched on the bottom corner of the bed with his legs crossed. He's still in his yellow trousers from the night before and his hair erratically juts out in all directions.

My hand clutches over my heart as I feel it race under my palm. I relax back into the bed my breathing becoming more even. "Jesus Christ Harry, what the hell are you doing? You scared the shit out of me. I almost kicked you in the face."

"You probably want to kick me in the face anyway, considering you think I'm an asshole." He says looking down at his hands in his lap.

"Oh..." was the only response I give.

I really didn't want him to remember that. I don't actually think he's an asshole. He was a little inconsiderate last night but definitely not an asshole.

He's waiting for me to continue as he silently looks up at me through those long lashes.

"Listen, I'm sorry.  You're not an asshole. I was a little drunk and sad. Well, more mad than sad but you get the idea. I didn't mean it." I say trying to speak quickly in my embarrassment before looking up into his emerald eyes.

He takes a moment to respond. My awkward sentence lingering in the air as he takes it all in. "So what exactly made you so mad or sad that you decided to call me in the middle of the night and say I'm an asshole?" The corner of his mouth turns down as he finishes his sentence.

He's hurt. I've never said anything remotely mean to him before. I don't even think I've raised my voice at him.

I exhale loudly. This is going to be rough.

"You left me. You just left. I was standing in a hallway waiting for you and you passed by telling me not to wait up for you." I start my long speech barely pausing to take a breath in case I lose my nerve. "I was hurt. I felt like you were ashamed to be around me and that you wanted to pretend I wasn't even there. You flew me out here and I feel like I've barely spent any time with you. I just missed my best friend. I'm sorry."

I can't look at him. I'm so embarrassed that I just said all those things.

I look like a needy psychopath.

Harry surprises me by getting up out of the bed and coming over to my side. Standing over me he hooks his hands under my arms lifting me to stand with ease. He then wraps me into a tight hug.

"I didn't know. I'm so sorry. I just wasn't thinking, B. But I could never ever be ashamed of you. You're one of my favorite people." He says with a huff before going on. "You've just never really been a part of my going out scene and it didn't even occur to me that you would want to go. I was being selfish and inconsiderate. Please forgive me." His whole speech emphasized by the emotion leaking into every word.

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