Chapter 23: Belief

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Harry POV

When I look back at everything that has happened in my life, it feels like a true whirlwind.

I've traveled the world many times over and I have met more people than I could ever count. Played my music to thousands. Lived in the biggest cities in the world.

If I'm being honest, I'm not really one to look back and regret any decisions. I believe that each choice I have made has led me to where I am. The moments where I chose to act or chose to remain silent have shaped me. Even though there have been times of pain and poor decisions, that I am who I am because of them.

Fate has definitely played a major role as it formed me into who I am.

So right now as I sit across from my best friend, I realize that this is one of those pivotal decision making moments. A moment that might possibly be the biggest of my life. Even if the whole situation is hard to believe.

Am I terrified of becoming a father at this point in my life? Yes, of course.

But my initial reaction to this will define my future relationship with B as well as my relationship with our child. It will set the tone for the rest of my life.

So, I do the only thing I can think of.

I take a deep breath. I clear my head. And I picture it.

Being a Dad.

A small hand wrapped around my finger. Her grey eyes with my curly hair. Swaying back and forth with my baby in my arms. Small hands wiggling out as they reach for me. Power Ranger bandaids on scraped knees. Wiping away tears and kissing bumps better. Singing lullaby's and turning on nightlights. Holding them in my arms.

A piece of me. A piece of her.


The final thing I picture is something that completely shocks my system. In my head, I can clearly see the three of us huddled together on this couch watching Saturday morning cartoons with bowls of cereal and mugs of coffee.

A family.

My family.

"We can do this. You and I." I begin as I hold her closer to me. "I know it won't be easy but the best parts of life aren't easy. I don't think I would rather be doing this with anyone else." I say as I kiss the top of her head which rests on my chest.

"I know. I feel the same. But it doesn't make it any less terrifying. Our whole world is about to be flipped upside down." She says as she looks down at her fidgeting hands. "I have no idea how to be a mother." Her hurt face then looks up at mine with grey eyes starting to glisten.

"No mother knows how to be one until they become one. B, you are the kindest most thoughtful person I know. You will be a the most amazing mother any kid could ask for."

That was not a word of a lie. She has the most caring instincts of any person I know. She has mom written all over her.

Now me on the other hand, who knows what kind of father I'll be.

You could say I haven't had the most conventional life the past ten years. Any essence of normalcy is constantly wiped away as soon as an article comes out or I'm seen with a person in public. I don't know any adult life beyond life in the public eye.

How can I teach someone how to grow as a person when, in some ways,  I still feel like I'm stuck at 16?

This doesn't even seem real. Any part of this. My body is just a mix of shock and excitement and anxiety with my thoughts firing at a million miles an hour.

Suddenly, B sits up straight and bounds off the couch.

"I can believe I didn't show you!" She says excitedly as she jumps up and heads for the kitchen.

"What didn't you show me?" I ask cautiously. There's only so much I can take in a day. Any more surprises and she'll have to slap me awake.

She returns with a small white piece of paper which she holds to her chest. Her eyes are still brimmed with unshed tears but her face seems to brighten as she sits next to me.

"It's really early and honestly I can't even see it clearly, but here's my first sonogram photo." She explains as she hands me the square.

I blink my eyes as I stare at the mix of blurry black and white static. On the corners, it reads her name with the date and time.

Then, in the direct center of the dark circle is a little blip. Just a small light that brightens up the whole photo. It's shaped almost like a small bean.

A small shocked laugh escapes my lips before I can catch myself. The irony of that image is not lost on me.

Me and Bean made another little Bean.

She's giving me a suspicious look as she waits for me to explain my outburst. But I'd rather like to keep that thought to myself so instead I say, "it definitely feels real now" with a small smile.

I look back down and see the photo of my baby. This small blip on the paper is mine. I made this.

As that registers, tears begin to brim over my eyes before I can stop them. Looking back at B, I see that she can't seem to contain her emotions either.

"I'm sorry that this happened the way it did without a plan, but I feel like it was meant to. There's something about this moment. This baby. It's meant to be ours." The words flow out of me so easily and so quickly that the sincerity rings throughout every syllable.

I pull her close to me so that she's perched on my lap. My hand automatically goes to graze her stomach and my arm squeezes her waist.

Her head leans down to rest next to mine on my shoulder and I know that this moment will be cemented in my brain forever.

"We're gonna do this. Together. In this house. We will raise this baby here." Conviction ringing in my words and I hold her close to my heart.

Just a short little chapter for you guys :) now we know how Harry feels about the whole situation.

I wonder if it will be smooth sailing from here out.......

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