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Dr Matthews: This is Dr. Matthews overseeing patient 4409 Dr.Jonathan Crane also known as The Scarecrow. How are you today Jonathan.

Crane: why did you call me doctor as you see I don't see patients anymore.

Dr. Matthews: though you may not be a practicing psychiatrist anymore you are still a doctor. You still have a degree and nothing can take that away.

Crane: you are facing a dangerous criminal and yet you don't seem to be scared. Why is that?

Dr. Matthews: we are here to talk about you not psychoanalyze me.

Crane: you are a witty one I'll give you that. My last doctor hated when I did that.

Dr. Matthews: I'm not like Dr. Richardson. I don't give up on my patients so easily.

Crane: and you think you can help me do you.

Dr. Matthews: I can try. That is if you are willing to participate. I want to know what goes on in your head. I want to know why a once well respected Doctor such as yourself ended up the way he did. In all honesty Dr. Crane you are the reason I came to Arkham.

Crane: and why is that.

Dr. Matthews: When I was in school I attended one of your guest lectures. I looked up to you. I wanted to be just as respected as you were. When I heard what you had done to so many patients here I couldn't believe it.

Crane: you know doctor it's not good to idolize someone like me.

Dr.Matthews: I don't. You just fascinate me.

Crane: Thats a dangerous thing to say to someone like me

Dr. Matthews: and why is that

Crane: because I could develop a fascination with you too doctor.

Dr. Matthews: I'm sure you will Dr. Crane but I promise you im alot tougher than I look.

Crane: Is that so. I would love to test that theory.

Dr.Matthews: with your toxin i assume.

Crane: you assume correct. Tell me what are you afraid of.

Dr.Matthews: I'm not sure. I've never really thought about it.

Crane: we can find out together.

Dr.Matthews: I'm not interested.

Crane: you will be surprised how clear your mind will become once exposed to your worst fear.

Dr.Matthews: I thought your victims slip into madness after being exposed to your toxin.

Crane: their true self is merely exposed that is all.

Dr.Matthews: so you are saying we are all a little insane.

Crane: precisely.

Dr.Matthews: I dont think that's a fair assumption.

Crane: it only takes one little push into insanity.

Dr.Matthews: and I suppose you help them by giving them that push.

Crane: the human mind is a fragile thing but surely a psychiatrist like yourself would know that.

Dr.Matthews: I think it depends on how one is willing to deal with there issues. Look at you. You refuse to cope with whatever it was that you have gone through in life and you are taking your own fears out on other people.

Crane: it's bold of you to assume that I have any fears doctor. I am the master of fear am I not.

Dr.Matthews: tell me about the scarecrow. When did he first make himself known.

Crane: what do you mean.

Dr.Matthews: you're behavior is typical with someone suffering from disassociative identity disorder though you are very much aware of your other personality which makes your case more advanced.

Crane: you are a smart one. You were able to deduce that simply from reading my file and talking to me.

Dr.Matthews: as I have said before you fascinate me. I tried to tell your former doctor what I thought and he wrote me off.

Crane: a fool he was because you my lovely doctor are correct in your assumption.

Dr.Matthews: so tell me about the scarecrow?

*A knock sounds on the door*

Cash: times up dr.Matthews

Dr. Matthews: very well you can take him away

Crane: Until next time my little nightmare.

*end of recording*

Autophobia *Jonathan Crane*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ