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Julia made her way to her office at the asylum but not before stopping at the nurses station. She tapped on the desk to get Martha's attention. Martha looked up and her eyes got big. "Oh my god Julia." She said as she got up and hugging the young doctor from across the desk. "Are you ok? I'm surprised to see you back at work so soon" she said.

"I'm fine Martha. I told you I'm a tough cookie" she replied with a smile.

"So did he um did he give you a dose of his fear toxin" she dared to ask.

"He did. Many many times"

"What was it like"

"Martha id rather not talk about it."

" of course not I'm sorry. I wouldn't want to talk about it either. Listen I know it's your first day back and all and Cranes probably the last person you want to see right now. But warden Sharp has scheduled him to see you at 10. "

"It's ok Martha. I need to face him sooner or later. Get some closure if you know what I mean"

"I know. Well go ahead in your office and get settled before you have to face him"

"I will thank you Martha" she replied turning on her heels and heading to her office.  Once inside she shut the door and sat at her desk.

I wonder what Martha would look like on the floor screaming.

In due time fear in due time.

What is your plan anyway. You won't let me see.

You will just have to trust me now won't you.

I do hope you are planning on getting Dr. Crane out of here.

I am but that is all I will tell you for now.

Alright but you better not mess up.

It was then that a knock came on her door. "I'm really sorry Dr. Matthews but it's time for your appointment with Crane." Said the voice of Aaron Cash as he opened the door.

" it's alright aaron. " She said as he sat him in the chair in front of her desk.

"Do you want me to stay in here"

"No it's fine"

"Alright I'll be right outside"

" thank you"

Julia turned her attention to Jonathan and said "how are you Jonathan"

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Have you forgotten what we did. What you let me do to you" he replied slightly frustrated. Julia put her finger to her lips to silence him before taking a piece of paper and writing something on it. She passed it over to Jonathan. In big letters it had said TRUST ME. "Very well do go on Doctor."

She wrote another not saying play along. Before she said. "Do you know what you did to me Jonathan?" She asked.

" yes I'm fully aware of what I have done to you. I still see it when I close my eyes"

"You're a sadistic man who feeds off the fear of others. Regardless if the scarecrow is out of not. You terrorise people and for what. Your own selfish interest. I will no longer be apart of it. Starting right now I am your doctor and you will treat me as such. Am I clear."

" of course doctor as you wish"

"Aaron you can take him away now" she said throwing the papers in the trash so she could burn them later.

Aaron Cash walked in and dragged Jonathan away. A smile graced his lips as he realized that soon Gotham would know her name. His little nightmare would strike fear into the heart of Gotham.

Autophobia *Jonathan Crane*Where stories live. Discover now