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Julia sat back in her chair with a sigh. Jonathan Crane was a complicated man. Especially since he had a degree in psychology. Julia knew she should be concerned with the way Jonathan seemed to of taking a liking to her but she wasn't. Julia always prided herself of not being scared of the rouges. About a year ago she was in a bank that the Joker robbed and she wasn't scared of him. In fact she had left such an impression on the Joker that he had said that she would be perfect for dear Johnny. He had also said that if she were to end up with Jonathan then she would always have someone willing to do anything to protect her. Even if that meant killing someone. That little interaction was enough for Julia to wonder if Jonathan Crane had been watching her ever since starting at the Asylum. Or could he have been watching her longer.

A knock sounded on her door at that moment. "Come in" she replied.

In walked Martha with Julia's second cup of coffee. "Hey how was your appointment" she asked placing the coffee on her desk and taking a seat in the chair.

" interesting. It's hard to talk to someone who also has a degree in psychology and wants to psychoanalyze you" she replied taking a sip from the hot beverage.

"So what do you think about him"

"He definitely suffers from dissociative identity disorder. "

"You've been saying that for a while now."

" I know but now talking to him I can see it. Today I was talking to Jonathan Crane. Next time I could be talking to the scarecrow. "

"Honestly he scares me as Dr.Crane or scarecrow. I've been here for along time. Even when he was a doctor here. I never suspected anything. He was very good at hiding his other side and his secret experiments. That is until the Batman showed up and exposed him."

" I know Batman is a hero and all but I think he may be just as insane as the villans he puts in here. "

"Any ideas of who he is."

" unfortunately no"

"I guess that's a good thing. Can't have his enemies knowing who he is"

"That's true I suppose."

"So did crane say anything concerning I should know about"

"He called me his little nightmare. Though I think that was a bit of the scarecrow coming out."

" I don't know girl. Id be careful if I were you. He may have gotten eyes for you. These rogues are dangerous. Especially one who can warp the mind like Crane can"

"Don't worry about me Martha. I'll be fine. Besides you know my uncle wouldn't let anyone hurt me"

"I don't know Julia Gordon can only do so much to protect you from someone like Crane."

" true but the Batman can protect me if Uncle Jim asked him to"

"That's true I suppose"

"Anyways I got to run. I have a lunch date with my uncle." She said getting up.

Martha stood up as well and they both made there way out of the office.

Autophobia *Jonathan Crane*Where stories live. Discover now