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Commissioner Gordon sat at his desk. His neice Julia had been missing for two days now. He knew that Crane had her. It was no coincidence that Crane escapes Arkham and hours later Julia goes missing.

He shuddered at the thought of what that man was doing to her. No doubt he had given her a dose of his toxin. Being a victim of the toxin as well he could only imagine what Julia must be seeing. How many times now had he put her under his toxin? With a sigh Jim decided that he needed to face it. If they found Julia she wouldn't be the same. He wasn't after the toxin he could only imagine what she would be like. She may very well be broken after this. That is if she survived.


When she awoke again Jonathan gave her another dose of toxin. He continued to do so over the next weak. Each time worse than the last. Her other side remained relatively quiet sense the start of this. Only chiming in every now and then to say. The end result will prove a great metamorphosis. You will see.

It was on the eighth day did something truly remarkable happen. Crane had just injected her. Visions of her parents clouded her mind. "No" she said standing up. Jonathan was surprised. Even with a deadly dose of toxin in her system she was able to stand. "No more" she said as the vision of her parents vanished and her heart and breathing began to regulate.

Jonathan looked at her. A proud smile on his face. She had overcome the toxin. "What do you see Julia" he asked.

"Nothing. I don't see anything"

"Very good my little nightmare. You have overcome your fear"

"Why do you keep calling me that!" She yelled.

He walked up to her and placed a hand on her cheek. "Because you are."

Julia stared into his cerulean blue eyes and did something she never imagined she would do to her captor. She kissed him.

Jonathan was shocked at first and then kissed her back. It would seem that during all of this she was falling for him. Jonathan pulled away. "So are you my little nightmare"

Julia smiled. "I suppose I am" she replied.

Come on Julia. Play with him. I wonder what the doctor is like in bed.

For once Julia didn't fight the voice. In fact she embraced it. She was no longer scared of the voice or other personality if you will. She had Jonathan to thank for that. So Julia smiled. "We need to give her a name you know." She said.

" so are you finally accepting her" he replied with a quizzical look.

"Yes I think so"

Jonathan smirked. He knew she would come around. All she needed was a little help. "Told you" he said inside his mind to the scarecrow.

I'm beginning to like this one.

So am I. What do you say. What should her other personalities name be. He asked.

The scarecrow chuckled. She will be my fear.

Perfect. "Fear. Her name is fear." Jonathan told Julia.

" what a perfect name" she replied before she kissed him again.

Autophobia *Jonathan Crane*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum