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Julia made her way home that night. That voice hadn't seemed to bother her the rest of the day. Maybe it was just a fluke. A projection of her analysis of Crane. Yeah that's it. It had to be.

I'm still here Julia. I've always been here.

The voice sounded again. "No shut up. You're not real. Just my overactive imagination" she said aloud.

Believe that all you want Julia. You and I both know that you too suffer from dissociative identity disorder hints why I am here.

"No stop you're not real" she pleaded as she put her hands on her head.

*sigh* Very well Julia I'll continue to let you live in denial.

And with that the voice shut up. Julia sighed. It had been so long since she had heard that voice. It was right after her father was killed that she started hearing it. Her mother was James Gordon's sister and she had died when she was very young due to a heart condition. Her father was killed in a home invasion when she was ten. It was during her time of grief that the voice made itself known. Don't worry Julia. I will never leave you. It had said. After a year of hearing it the voice it just vanished. She thought that it was just a projection of her grief but now that the voice was back she figured it was a projection of her fascination with Dr. Crane and his other personality the scarecrow.

With that in mind Julia made her way into her kitchen to figure out what was for dinner. She found a frozen pizza in the freezer and put that in the oven to cook. It was then that her cell phone rang. "Hey Uncle Jim what's up" she said answering.

"Thank God you are safe where are you" he replied frantic.

"I'm home why what's happening"

" Jonathan Crane has escaped arkham"

"What when"

"About an hour ago"

"Shit good thing I left early or I would of been caught up in it"

"Julia please lock your doors and be careful until we catch him"

"I will uncle Jim. I promise"

"Ok love you kiddio"

"Love you too"

Later that night Julia lay in her bed. Thoughts of  Dr. Crane clouding her mind. He couldn't possibly be after her could he. Surely he wouldn't bother with someone like her. She closed her eyes to try and sleep when a noise in her living room disturbed her. She grabbed the bag from under her bed and made her way out there. She looked around and didn't see anything. She sighed. "Must be my imagination" she said to herself.

"Not likely Dr. Matthews" came a calm voice of a man. A voice she recognised from her two sessions with him. Julia turned around and swung her bat with as much force as she could but Jonathan Crane easily caught it. "Now Doctor that's not very nice"

"What do you want with me" she replied fearful.

" oh I think I made myself very clear what I want with you my little nightmare "

"Please just leave me alone"

"I can't do that Julia" he replied.

"Why not"

" there is something inside you. Something hidden and I intend to bring it to light"

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"I think you do Julia. I saw it that day in your office"

Oh please let me play with him.

Julia put her hands on her head and said "Shut up just shut up" It was in this moment that Jonathan took advantage of the situation by taking the bat from off the ground and knocking her out with it.

He picked her up and said "We are going to have so much fun with you"

Autophobia *Jonathan Crane*Where stories live. Discover now