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"I'm not talking to Julia anymore am i" Jonathan replied placing the water and sandwich down on the bedside table.

"No you are not" she replied with another wicked grin.

"What is your name" he asked.

She frownd. "I don't have one.  She won't give me a name"

"I see. So I was right in my assumption that she is in denial."

" oh very much so. Unlike you she refuses to embrace me"

"Well I can't make her accept you"

She tutted. "That's where you are wrong Dr.Crane. You are a charming man."

" what does that have to do with it"

"She finds you very attractive Dr. All you have to do is make her need you"

"And how do you suppose I do that"

"I don't know. You are a smart man. I'm sure you can figure it out." She stood up and looked Jonathan in the eyes before planting her lips to his. She pulled away.  "You want us too Dr. I see it"

Suddenly Julia feel to her knees with a look of fear on her face. Jonathan smirked. "I told you Julia it's easier if you embrace her."

Julia shook her head no and began to rock back and forth. "No. You don't know what kinds of things she wants to do"

Jonathan leaned down to her level. "And what kinds of things"

"Horrible things. She wants to make people fear her"

"You could be useful Julia. You could be so much more than you are now if you would let me help you"

"Help me how"

"By mastering your fear"

"No please no" she replied scooting away from him.

Jonathans eyes softened. The young doctor was so riddled with fear it hurt him. He knew she was capable of so much more than she was now. She is exactly like he once was. He was once a scared boy who's mother died and father left him leaving him in the care of his sadistic grandmother. He was so afraid and then the voice came. He fought against it at first and then he embraced it and gave it a name. Scarecrow. If only Julia would do the same. No she would do the same. He knew she would. He would help her conquer her fears and in the ashes of the old his little nightmare would be reborn. She would become someone truly worthy of his affection. "I'm sorry my little nightmare but I'm afraid I have to give you another dose of medicine."

" no please " she cried out.

Let him Julia. Let him cure you.

"I'm sorry but you must be reborn and in order to do that you must first overcome your fear." He said before he injected her with a slightly more powerful dose of fear toxin.

It didn't take long for Julia to scream out. "NO!" She yelled.

The scene before her was of her mother and father. "You're weak Julia" her father had said.

"I'm glad I died so I wouldn't watch you grow up to be a weak woman" her mother had said with a look of disgust on her face.

"No I'm sorry" she cried out. "I'm not weak. I'm not"

"Look at you. Weak little Julia. Can't even defend herself against the likes of Jonathan Crane" They said in unison.

"I'm not weak. I'm not weak" she cried. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"

"You disappoint me Julia. You deny what you really feel. You want revenge. You want to watch that clowns head roll for what he did to me. But you are to weak to get it" her father said.

"No. I'll kill him. I'll kill him for you"

Jonathan watched her with awe. So it would seem that The Joker was responsible for her father's death. It would also seem that she secretly wanted him dead. Jonathan smiled. Soon his little nightmare would be reborn.

Autophobia *Jonathan Crane*Where stories live. Discover now