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When written like this it's the voice she hears while under fear toxin not the actual voice she hears.

"Time to wake up Julia" Jonathan said as he stroked his doctors face.Slowly Julia opened her eyes. "There you are. I was worried for a moment" he said moving some of her brown hair out of her face.

"Where am I?" She asked.

" shh you are safe" he whispered softly to her. It was in that moment that the gravity of her situation hit her. She tried to get up but couldn't. She was strapped to the bed. She pulled on her arm restraints in an attempt to free herself but it was no use. "Careful now. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."

" what are you going to do with me? " she dared to ask.

"I'm going to pull what's hidden within you out."

" How"

Jonathan smirked. "By exposing you to your worst fear"

"No please don't do this" she cried out. "Please"

"Begging doesn't work on me Julia." He said as he grabbed a needle off the table behind him.

" no please" she cried out.

"Already so fearful. I like it but I promise once I'm done with you. You too will become a master at fear" he replied before he injected her with a potient dose of fear toxin.

Julia.......Julia Why do you hide from me? Why do you deny me?

Julia let out a scream. "No stop make it stop"

Let him name me Julia. You know you want to.

"No please"

"What is it Julia. What do you see" Jonathan said.

She let out another scream "make it stop make it stop"

"Make what stop Julia"

Tell him Julia. Tell him about me. TELL HIM!

"The voice. Please make it stop"

"What voice" he asked but he already knew because like himself she also had another personality. "Tell me my little nightmare. What voice"

"In my head the voice in my head. Please make it stop" she replied crying.

Jonathan smirked satisfied with what she had told him. He took another syringe and injected the antidote into her. Julia's thrashing stopped as she fell asleep.

Seems as if the dear doctor is like you johnny. Said the scarecrow in his head.

"So it seems" he replied.

What are you going to do with her now.

"Let her rest. It's not easy being brought to the edge of insanity like that"

You are getting soft Johnny.

"No I'm not. She can be useful."

Yeah useful alright. Dont for a second think that I don't know the things you think about her.

"Edward has haven. Why can't I too have a woman"

Are you still upset that Haven denied you

"No I am not. I didnt love her anyway."

love makes you weak Johnny.

"Not this time. Julia Matthews may be exactly what we need. You'll see. Trust me."

Very well but don't complain to me when she leaves you alone like everyone else has.

Jonathan sighed. He knew scarecrow wouldn't be too happy with Jonathan's plan for Julia but he didn't care. He was a human after all and humans had needs. So when the time was right he would make Julia his. For now though he would watch over her as she slept to make sure she was ok.

Autophobia *Jonathan Crane*Where stories live. Discover now