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That afternoon Julia didn't go to her Uncles. She went to the building that Jonathan held her captive. She was looking for something. Well two things. First one being the formula for his toxin. She had to make a lot of it for her plan to work. The second one being the location of Edward Nygma. In order for her plan to be successful she needed his help.

She rummaged through journals in Jonathans makeshift lab and found one of the things she was looking for. She read it over. Jonathans neat handwriting describing how to make his toxin. She smiled. Doesn't seem so hard. She continued to look around when she found a piece of paper. Upon that paper was written an address. This is where she would find Edward and Haven Nygma.

With determination she went back outside to her car and drove to the address. Once there she walked up to the door and knocked. It didn't take long for a woman to answer the door. "Who are you" she asked.

"Julia Matthews are you Haven Nygma" Julia responded.

"Depends on why you are asking" she replied.

"I need your husband's help"

"What for."

" breaking out Jonathan Crane"

Haven smirked. "So he's found himself a girl" she said. "Come in and sit down. I'll go get Edward"

Julia walked into the living room and sat on the couch. A few minutes later both Haven and Edward Nygma emerged from the hallway. "Well hello Dr.Matthews what can I do for you" he said sitting down on the coffee table in front of her.

"I need your help breaking Jonathan out of Arkham" she replied.

"Do you have a plan in which you want to go about this." He asked.

" as a matter of fact I do. " She replied with a smirk.

"Well well it seems you have planned this all out" Haven replied taking a seat next to her husband.

"I have."

" so let's hear this Grande plan of yours" Edward replied crossing his arms over his  chest.

"I plan on releasing fear toxin throughout the entire asylum through the ventilation system. I need your help because you Mr. Nygma know the asylum in and out and I'm sure you know where the main is for the ventilation system"

Edward pondered for a moment placing his hand on his chin. He had to admit. This crazy plan of hers just might work. "Very well you will need a device where you can remotely trigger the toxin. Not to mention you need to make a lot of said toxin."

" I can make the toxin if you can make the device. "

"I can do that. I will also give you the blue prints to the asylum" he said getting up and heading to what Julia assumed was an office. A moment later he returned. Grabbing a red pen he circled a place on the blue prints. "This is the main ventilation shaft. It goes to every part of the asylum. Now let me know the day you plan on planting the toxin and I will hack into the security system so you are not caught. So how do you plan on getting in the asylum."

" I started working there again today. "

"Inside job. Very clever Julia"

"Thank you. I feel honored to have received a compliment from you"

"Yes well don't get use to it. Now if you don't mind I have work to be done as well as you"

" thank you again Mr. Nygma"

"Please call me Edward"  he replied before he headed back into his office and Julia back out to her car.

Autophobia *Jonathan Crane*Where stories live. Discover now