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Julia awoke a few hours later but Jonathan wasn't there. She sighed. What had she done? She knew she should feel ashamed but she couldn't. The truth was that she would never be ashamed of what she just did with Jonathan. She had fallen hopelessly in love with him.

Julia got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face when she heard a commotion from another part of the building. What the hell? And then she heard Jonathan yell out. "You're to late Batman. She's mine now"

Quickly a plan formed inside of Julia's head.

You are going to let him save you. Fear said in disbelief.

Trust me. Was all she said to fear before she got on the bed and began to rock back and forth. It was then that Batman walked through the door. "Julia Matthews" he said.

Julia shook her head yes before she ran up and embraced the Batman. "Thank you" she cried out before she fainted or so Batman thought. He carried the girl outside where her uncle was. Batman handed her over to the commissioner as two uniforms dragged Jonathan out of the building. Jonathan looked over as Jim placed Julia in his car. "You're to late commissioner. My little nightmare will reign terror on you all. Just wait and see." Jonathan said before he was forced into the back of a swat car.

"How was she" Jim asked.

"She should be fine. A bit scared but fine."

" Good. I'll bring her back to my place. I trust you will take care of that" Jim replied.

"Of course"

"Tell me what you did to her" Batman asked a smiling Jonathan Crane.

"I just gave her some medicine is all" he replied.

"You mean your toxin"

"Yes that"

"Did you know that 15 years ago the joker broke into their home a killed her father. She spent years in therapy for it" Batman said angry.

"Yes I became aware of it. She was so afraid of it"

"You're heartless Crane"

"Yes well I'm not the only one. You will see. In time my little nightmare will make herself known"

"You're delusional if you think she would ever join you."

" what is with people being in denial. Trust me Batman I'm not the only that has mastered fear and soon you all will know her name"

Batman left Crane in his cell and called Jim. "Keep an eye on Julia. Crane seems to think she has joined him."

" don't worry I will"


"Ok uncle Jim I'm going back to work" Julia said two days later.

"I don't know kiddo don't you think it's too soon"

"No the asylum is seriously understaffed and need me"

"Is he still your patient"


"Julia it worries me that you arnt"

"Afraid of him" she finished for him.


"I might be a little but ill be fine. Please uncle Jim. I need to face him. Then I can move on"

Jim sighed. "Alright Julia if this is what you have to do"

"Thanks" she said hugging her uncle and walking out the door. A smile never leaving her face.

Autophobia *Jonathan Crane*Where stories live. Discover now