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Julia arrived at her Uncles at 7 that night. "Julia you are late" came the voice of her uncle as she walked through the door.

"Sorry Uncle Jim I was working late doing paperwork" she replied with a smile.

At that moment Barbara Gordon wheeled herself around the corner. "Julia" she squeeled.

"Barbara" she said walking over to her cousin and hugging her. "What are you doing here"

"I decided to drop by an visit my dad. Then he said you were staying here for awhile."

" he's not giving me a choice" she said with a smile.

Barbara frowned. "Do you blame him Julia. After what happened to you with the scarecrow"

" no I dont blame him"

"How are you by the way"

"I'm fine actually. I'm actually better than ever"

Barbara looked to her father then back at Julia. "Well I suppose that's good. Now come on dad got take out"

Julia smiled "pineapple chicken"

"Of course" Jim replied leading the girls into the dinning room.

They were all eating when Barbara said "So Julia. Is there a special man in your life" Julia blushed. "There is isn't there"

"It's um kinda complicated right now" she replied still blushing.

"So who is he" asked her uncle.

"Well he's a doctor. A fellow psychiatrist actually"

"What's his name" asked barbara.


"John what" asked her uncle.

"No uh uh I'm not telling you you will look him up and I don't want that"

"I just want to make sure you are safe"

"I know Uncle Jim but John is a great man. Brilliant. A little unorthodox in his methods but brilliant none the less"

"Unorthodox" they both said in unison.

Julia seeing where they were getting at quickly said " not like crane I promise"

They both sighed in relief. "We were worried you were actually talking about Jonathan Crane for a moment." Said Barbara.

"No. Do you really think I'd fall in love with him after what he did to me"

"That's what Haven Wayne said about Edward Nygma and now she's married to him" replied her uncle.

"Yes well I promise you I have zero feelings for Crane"

Barbara smiled. " I believe you"

"Thank you Barbara"

Later that night Julia snuck out of the house and headed to the wearhouse. Once there she looked around and found that all of ingredients where there. With a sigh she got to work. After about a few hours she was done making one dose of it. "Seems I need a test subject." It was then that a knock came on the main warehouse door.

She opened it to reveal Haven Nygma standing there with an unconscious woman slung over her shoulder. "Edward said you would need a test subject so I brought you one"

She smiled. "You have impeccable timing  Mrs. Nygma. I just got done with the first batch and need to test it out"

"Can I stay and watch. I've been on the receiving end of the toxin but never saw what it does to a person."

" what about Edward"

"He's busy at the moment."

" Very well follow me" Julia led Haven to the same room that she was once held in. "Strap her to the bed"

Haven strapped the girl to the bed and stood back. Julia went out to the lab and prepared everything. She had made it in gas form instead of an injection. She needed it to be gas in order for her plan to work. She readied the canister in her sleeve. She grabbed a gas mask for haven then headed back into the room. "Put this on" she told haven.

"Don't you need one" she asked.

"I'm immune now. My body has gotten used to the toxin and burns it off rather quickly."

"I see" she said before she put the mask on.

Soon the woman began to wake up. "Oh God where am I" she replied.

"Hello" Julia replied.

The woman looked over at her. "Who are you"

And just like that Julia flipped and out came her other side. "Me. Well I my dear am your worst nightmare. My name is Fear." She said before activating the gas. It didn't take long before the screaming started. Julia or Fear had a smile on her face as she watched the woman writhe in terror. "I would say that it was a success. Wouldn't you Haven"
Haven shook her head yes as the woman's screaming died down to a whimper. Fear took hold of a metal pipe and hit the woman over the head killing her. "Now she won't go running off and exposing me. Do you know anyone that can handle the body for me"

Haven removed the gas mask once it was safe to do so and said. "Yeah I can call one of my guys" she said as she called one of her men. Once done she looked at Julia and said. "You and Jonathan are very similar. I assume that you are Matthews other personality"

" you are very smart. I see why the riddler fell for you" she replied.

"I don't have to worry about you do i"

"No haven i would like to think of us as friends. And I don't harm my friends"

"Good. Well welcome to the life of a rogue Fear." She said before leaving. Soon her man got there to pick up the body. Once he left Julia headed back to her Uncles. Tomorrow she had another appointment with Jonathan. A smile spread across her face as the idea of seeing her lover again crossed her mind.

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