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Julia made her way to her office that morning. A smile playing on her lips. She couldn't wait to see Jonathan. To tell him what she had done last night. He is going to be so proud of her. She could hardly contain her excitement as Martha handed her a cup of coffee. "Why are you in such a good mood" she asked the doctor.

"I had some well needed family time" Julia lied with ease. It was starting to become easier for Julia to lie.

"Well that's good. I'm sure you needed it after everything you have gone through"

"I did." She replied as she walked off to her office. She sat down at her desk and wrote a note on a piece of paper. Her appointment with Jonathan wasn't for another hour so she decided that she would pull the asylum blueprints out of her bag and plot her course to the main ventilation system. By the time she was done a knock sounded on her door. She put the blueprints back in her bag and said "come in"

"Here he is Dr. Matthews" said a guard opening the door and sitting Jonathan in the chair in front of her.

"Thank you Lyle you may leave" she said. Lyle left leaving Julia alone with Jonathan. "Hello Jonathan how are you"

"Better now that I'm here with you" he replied.

Julia blushed and slid the paper across her desk to him. It read I did something last night. "And what was that" he whispered seeing as he couldn't write because he was in a straight jacket.

"I made some fear toxin last night" she whispered back.

"Did you now. And did you test it out"

"I did and it worked."

Jonathan smiled at the woman and said "I'm very proud of you my little nightmare but why did you make some in the first place"

"I'm planning something big to get you out of here"

"And that would be"

" I don't want to tell you yet. You will have to wait to find out. That reminds me. Have you built an immunity to your toxin"

"I have"

"Good one less thing for me to worry about. Oh and Edward says you better keep me after this."

"Depending on what it is I just might"

Julia blushed again. He always did that to her. Jonathan Crane had a way of making her heart flutter with just his words alone. "I promise. I'll make you proud. That I'll prove I'm worthy of you"

"I'm sure you will my little nightmare"

It was then that Lyle walked in to take Jonathan away. Julia felt a pain in her heart as she watched him being dragged out the door away from her. She longed to be in his arms again. To kiss him and breath in that intoxicating scent of his. A scent that was uniquely Jonathan Crane. She brushed her thoughts away as she got to work on her mundane work. The entire time visions of Jonathan plaguing her mind.

Autophobia *Jonathan Crane*Where stories live. Discover now