Chapter 5.

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" Y/n, I know your secrets and your regrets. I know the answer to the question: what the hell happened that night?"he said smirking and you were griwing q big anxiety inside you.

'There's no way he actually knows.. right?' you said to yourself.

"Males first.. tell what you think you know." You said in a dominating voice.

" Y/n, the only thing that you did that night.. was opening to me and you kissed me. That's it. Your secrets are safe with me." he said and you felt relieved.

" Wait.. omg.. I'm sorry. I didn't try to do anything else.. right?"you said while blushing.

" It's fine.. I didn't mind it. Just don't get drunk if you're gonna reveal those secrets and kiss everyone." he said smiling.

" Chan.. I had to do those stuff. You don't know my mother, she's impulsive and she knows how to play with my mind." you said and your eyes got teary.

" Y/n, as long as your done it doesn't bother me or our friendship." he said and you sighed.

" You're done right?" he said panicked which made you smile.

" Yes, I was done the moment I joined JYP Entertainment. I'm just sorry that I kissed you then. For 2 years I thought that I slept with someone that I don't know." you said massaging your wrist scars, but he didn't notice.

You stopped talking to each other and you fell asleep again.

Chan POV.

I'm currently staring at Y/n sleeping on my shoulder and I think that life has been hard on her. What her mother did to her mad you mad.. she made you sex chat and she had to convince her mother's boss to not fire her so many times. The thought of Y/n with another man made me feel angry. I know that she won't feel the same way, that's why I keep her as a friend. Since that night I've been checking on her and I eventually fell for her. When she was on Pandora's reality show you wanted her to win so bed and when she got eliminated you almost begged JYP to put her back.

" Hyung, stop staring at her." Jisung told me and I shoocked my head and my ears got red. " Tell her if you like her. She won't kill you and I'm sure that deep down she needs you." he said and I realized that she started to wake up.

" Be quiet, she's sleeping." I said and he laughed.

" Chan oppa, you should tell her. She doesn't know that we know her past, but I know that she trusts us.. she is embarrassed by her past. She use to cut herself too, look at her left wrist.. I am sure that she isn't well yet, you should help her." Seoyeon said and I surprised by her words and I immediately checked her wrists... they're cut.

" Why me though? How do you know that I will help her if I make her like me." I asked Seoyeon.

" You're basically the same person.. you've been stalking for two years but you didn't realize that she is so similar to you? She does everything she can for her members, she trains/write music/compose music until dawn. It took her 5 weeks for her to write "Give up" and she used to sleep three hours per night. She got eliminated because I make a mistake.. she was about to give up on everything for me.." Seoyeon said and I realized that I do those things for my members.
" Please, make her smile more.. make her feel happy. I want to see the best smile on those plumped lips of her." Seoyeon begged me and I nodded.

" I will try." I said smiling.

Your POV.

You woke up because people were talking around you, but you couldn't understand what they were saying. You got up from someone's shoulder and you see that it was Chan's one so you panicked.

"Omg.. sorry, I fell asleep on you. You should've woken me up." You said and he smiled.

" You slept only ten minutes, so my shoulder will survive." He said continuing to smile.

" What were you guys talking about?" you asked the three people that were talking a few minutes ago.

" Pinapple pizza." Jisung said fast.

" I won't ask why, continue your conversation." you said taking out your phone and your earphones.

You put 'Pirate king' by Ateez and stared at the window. You saw some families having fun and you smiled.

" Ah, Y/N.. stop wishing to be them" you said to yourself and put the next song, that was a slow one.. you didn't know the name of it. You continued to watch people that the bus passed by very fast.

After ten minutes or so the bus stopped and it was the moment to get down and the house was on the beach. The ocean was agitated today and it was windy. You took your luggage and entered the modern house that JYP makes you stay in.

The managers told you to sit and they told you to be careful of the cameras. We are allowed to do anything, but if anything happens between us to go in the secret living room in the basement. You hated basements.

We decide with who we stay, and I'm standing alone. The leaders stay alone. Yey..

It was a new home and you are a very paranoid person. You basically blame everything on the paranormal. You even have sleep-paralysis sometimes, but fortunately you don't see demons.

It was lunch and everyone decided that we should eat together. Seoyeon, Chan and Felix are cooking today and the rest of us are chilling. The recording starts tomorrow so we are chilling.

You decided to go on the beach to watch the waves. You're literally living on a beach so you wanted to take advantage of it.

You are watching the waves and the wind made your hair messy, but you don't mind. The sand is kinda wet so you will have to change before eating. You heard someone coming and you rolled your eyes.

" Y/n, it's gonna rain." Bang Chan said and you looked at him annoyed.

" And? Look, I appreciate our friendship but you're acting like a lover. I don't want that from you, I love our friendship. I may sound harsh.. and I am a little, but I need my space. I'm not used to people and the fact that you know everything of my past doesn't help. I'm a secretive person, Chan. I barely open with my members.. I'm shocked that they still want me and accept me. How do you guys accept me? I was a hoe before this.." you said and he listened to you. You didn't know why you said those things. You just felt like it.

" Y/n, because they love you? You love them too. They have to accept you as you are, that's why you're friends. Y/n, you should tell them about your past." Chan said getting up and you did the same thing.

" I won't." you said going inside the house and he started laughing.

" What?!" you turned to him and he was laughing hard.

" Y/n, your butt is wet." he said and you got red and ran in your room.

You changed your pants but you noticed something in your room.. your bed was a mess.

You went downstairs and everyone was waiting for you to eat.

The guys made an amazing carbonara and some sausages. You were all talking and you remembered.

" Who vandalized my bed?" you asked smiling. " I won't kill you, just tell me.". They looked at you as you were crazy.

" Weren't you the one in your room? I heard noises coming from it." Jeongin said and you freaked out.

" I was on the beach.. are you serious?" You asked panicked and he nodded.

" There must me and explanation. Did you leave the window open?" Nayla asked.

" Air can't filp my covers." you said panicked.

" I'm not sleeping there tonight.. please accept me with you.. one of you." you asked the girls.

" Y/n, I'll sleep with you and you'll see that it's fine, ok? Nami said and you nodded.

The rest of the day got by fast and everyone got to bed eventually. You and Nami slept in your room and you hugged her all night.


Hi guys! How's life? I'm late 2 days.. and I'm sorry.

Idols love. A Bang Chan FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat