Chapter 18.

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You were looking everywhere for the name of that woman. There was only one way left.. ask the members.

You went in the dancing room and you were happy when you didn't see Chan.

" Hey guys.. could I ask you something?" you asked and they noticed you.. they looked happy to see you.

" How are you?" Felix asked avoiding your question.

" I'm good." you said expressionless. " I need to know the name or better the number of the girl. You know.. 'The Girl." you said smiling lightly. " I don't want to kill her.. I just want to know some stuff from her before talking with Chan. I just don't know if I'll be able to trust him ever again. I am not mad that he cheated, that can happen. He lied tho... That's what breakes my heart.. the fact that he lied, even though he knew that I wouldn't get mad at something so small. Sexual attraction still exists even if you are in a relationship with someone that you love. I just want to know if it's something worth saving.. I'm referring to just a friendship. " you said and some of the words came forced from your mouth. Your heart wanted him back.. but you think logically.

" Y/n, I will give you her number. I don't know if she's in Korea tho. She lives in Italy." Jeongin said and you smiled.

" Can we like catch up.. even a bit?" Jisung asked and you nodded.

" Don't get me wrong tho. I'm still mad at you guys too. I know that you were just trying to protect my boyfr-  ex boyfriend, but a little sign could've been appreciated." you said thinking about your mistake.

" We're sorry.. we didn't know what to do when we found them in the dorm.." Hyunjin said, after regretting what he said.

" Look.. I'm just gonna live my life without him. Before knowing him I was able to.. I hope it'll work." you said smiling at them.

" You love him, right?" Seungmin asked.

" Yeah.. I do. I still think that he is worth it, but I don't want to forgive him." you said and your heart started to ache. " You know what's funny? I don't even care who took those photos. I know the truth which is enough." you said getting up from the floor.

" You're already leaving?" Seungmin asked.

" Yeah.. it's enough for now. Just make sure that he is fine and that he is gonna be happy. Please, be happy.. all of you." you said smiling sadly.

They were like a family to you.. and know, they feel like strangers to you.

As you exited the room, you saw Chan.. with a girl. His sister?.

You went to her and you said hi, avoiding Chan. Before leaving Australia you and her got close.

" Unnie!!" She yelled and you saw Chan looking sad.

" How have you been doing? How's school?" you asked smiling.

She's like a sister that you never had.

" Both of them are good. How are you?" she asked happy.

" I'm good. I have been in a rough time, but I'll get over it." you said glancing towards Chan.

" We are in Korea for a few weeks. Do you want to come to dinner? We all miss you." she said and you looked at Chan.

" You didn't tell her?" you asked and he said no.. his eyes were begging you for something.

" Tell me what?" she asked.

" Y/n and I.. broke up." he said and your heart ached once again..

" What? Why? I always thought that the the of you were soulmates." she said and you smiled.

" I was starting to think that too." you thought.

" Me and Chan... just..  well. We didn't love each other enough. We are still friends and colleagues tho. We are better like this." you said and he mouthed a 'thank you' behind Hannah.

" Come to dinner. We can still see each other, you are still friends." she said and you didn't want to but at the same time you needed too.

" Okay.. I will come. I missed everyone too." you said and Hannah squicked before going where the guys are.

" Thank..." he started.

" Don't thank me. Your family is a group of angels and after they raised you I don't want them to know you as a liar.. or cheater. Is she in korea? The girl that you cheated me on with?" you asked and his eyes grew big. " I want to ask her some things. I need to know and I don't really trust you at the moment." you said and his expression was a hurt one.

" Y/n, I still love you.. it was a mistake..." he said and you scoffed.

" Oh, so her lips and vagina were on the floor and you feel, right? Sorry for being so straightforward." you said and he looked surprised.

" Y/n, please... forgive me." he said.

" For the love of God, you made a mistake... a big one. I don't mind that you cheated on me, why did you have to hide it and lie? That's what is bothering me. Chan, I fucking love you.. but I can't trust you." you said tearing up.

" She is in Korea.. her name is Hyerin. She didn't know about you.. and I don't want her to know. She hates cheaters.. please don't meet her. I'll tell you everything that you need to know.. just ask." he said approaching your hand but you were quicker.

" Ok.. I won't. What don't you understand in ' I don't trust you anymore?'" you asked.

" Will you ever forgive me?" he asked.

You looked into his eyes.. his gorgeous eyes. The eyes that showed you a future.. apparently a fake one.

" I don't think so.." you said and a teat came down those eyes.

" I'll say it again.. I'm sorry and I love you." he said.

" I love you too, but this won't change anything. I'll come tonight at the dinner, I won't say anything about you cheating.. just.. don't make me fall more." you said leaving.

" Ah, Chan.. what did you do to me?" you said quietly.

Idols love. A Bang Chan FFWhere stories live. Discover now