Chapter 9.

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"Okay.. Y/n, I have been into you for about two years now. What you said at the party made my heart melt.. and your kiss felt like... like… warm… caramel next to vanilla cake… that’s sitting…. beside a hot chocolate by the fireplace. I've been waiting for this moment. I like you, Y/n." he said and your heart started beating like crazy. You were shocked as hell. You didn't know what to say or how to react.

" Two years?" you asked an he nodded. A part of you was happy to hear this, but the other wished that he didn't have feelings for you. " Chan, we can't date though. Even if the dating ban doesn't exist at this point, it's still something that I don't want to risk and neither should you." you said and his smile faded and was replaced by a sad pouth.

" Why?... Y/n, please. Give me a chance." he said doing aegyo and your poor heart skipped a beat. " Channie wants to make you happy." he continued what he was doing and this time starting to get closer to you.

" Channie, it would be the best thing if you stopped here." you said and he smiled but continued approaching you.

" Channie doesn't want to... you are so beautiful." he said and your eyes started to look in his. It was the first time that someone called you this and actually believing them.

Your gaze goes to his lips then to his eyes again. You didn't know what he was doing to you and you werente sure if you liked it. You do the same procedure, but this time he was a lot closer.

" Can Channie kiss the softest and tasteful lips on this world?" he asked and you felt forced to answer with a faint 'yes'. After getting your consent he started to kiss you slowly. It was the best dance that he could ever lead. Your happiness started to grow inside you and was killed by a door opening being a sign that someone was coming down. Seoyeon appeared and you two were still too close to make another conclusion that isn't 'kissing'. She looked at you and seemed to have an amused face.

" Are you guys coming?" she asked and you got up immediately and went up leaving Seoyeon with Chan. A part of you is screaming at you for what you just did. You said: "no guys!", "no dating" and you realized that you just stepped on your own rules.

You went to the fridge to take your watermelon juice and you sat next to Hyunjin because the end of the couch is there and you wouldn't be near Chan. 

You took a sip from your juice and after everyone was in the living room Jisung started the live. We decided to answer some questions of the fans, and we did that via your insta. JYP lets Pandora have their own social media and soon everyone will.

There was an interesting question so you red it out loud.

" What genre would Pandora and Skz go next?" you asked and gave the word to Chan since he usually makes the tracks.

" I actually haven't taught about it, I would like to still go with EDM. We, 3Racha, will think about it. Pandora?" he asked and you didn't know what to say.

" Actually, I was thinking do continue doing girl crush, but I've seen that you guys would like a sexy concept. For now, since we have minors I would prefer to keep it this way.  Me and Nami will see. Actually, cute is good too, but no." you said smiling.

You wanted to act as professional as possible, but your heart and head were debating. Your heart was beating really fast and your head was just giving scenarios were you end up not having a musical career.

" Cute wouldn't look good on us!" Haeun saying and you smiled at her.

" Next question!" Seugmin demanded.

You were searching while the others were talking.

" Oh, I found one. How is living with guys/girls in the same house?" you asked and Sky started answering.

" Honestly, I feel safer. Like, I know that our dorm is safe, but knowing that I cand throw Jeongin to a roober it makes me feel safe." she said and Jeongin started laughing. You were cringing at them because of their mean maknae connection.

" Honestly, I feel safer too. Having more people that can cook without burning a house is fun." Seungim said.

You were checking for other interesting questions and you got a message from Chan.

" Let's continue what we were doing earlier after this." he wrote and you didn't know how to feel about this. You were starting to believe that he only wants your body.

" So, there is a question that says'Are you still on dating ban?'" you asked and you were laughing inside you.

" Yes." Changbin answered.

" Another is ' how are you all feeling'?" you asked and you said that you were fine and thanked the fan for worrying.

After that question you started to do karaoke, but you weren't in the mood for it. It was your turn to sing something and you chose " Sorry" by Halsey, this song has always made you feel like it's your story.

After the Vlive ended you went to your room to get some sleep, forgetting that Chan wanted to continue something that shouldn't have existed since the beginning. You were about to fall asleep, but someone entered your room.

" I don't care who you are, let me sleep." you said sleepy.

" Y/n, I need you." Sky said and you got up so that you could help her. " I think I like I.N." she said and you smiled.

You gave her some advices and when she left you fell asleep.

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