Chapter 10.

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You woke up with the worst headache and you had no idea of why you had it. It was the start of May and the weather started to get hotter. You went downstairs and you realized that the guys were leaving and you thought that your period came.

" Where are you going?" you asked them searching for some medicine on the TV.

" To buys some food, do you want something?" He asked and you wanted them to buy you pads, but it would've been awkward." Can you like wait for me? I'll be down in ten minutes." you said with a begging voice.

" Just say what you need." Hyunjin insisted.

" Okay, go." you said smiling though you wanted to kill him. You had very bad aches and a very bad temper on your period.

" Y/n, what do you want?" Bang Chan insisted and you snapped.

" So, you guys are going to buy me pads? and some painkillers?" you asked and they got red. " Thought so." you continued. " Wait for me, 10 minutes." you said going up to your room.

After you got dressed and your headache got worse you went down and they everyone looked at you worried.

" What's wrong?" you asked but your voice sounded weaker than a few minutes ago.

" Y/n, you're very pale, what's wrong?" Sky said and you looked at the mirror that was on your left and you basically saw a ghost.

" Y/n, sit down." Bang chan said and you turned to him but you heard a loud bang in your ears and everything went black.

_____________5 hours later____________

You woke up and the smell of alcohol made its entrance in your nose and you opened your eyes to see what was going on. You saw a white room and when you looked around there was nobody and you had a perfusion in your right arm. You pressed a red button so that the doctors would come and after some seconds the doctor and your manager entered the room.

" Y/n?" she asked in a sweet voice and you smiled at her.

" Yes? is everything okay?" you asked a little worried.

" No, you have to rest more and drink less sugar and more water." she said and you were confused.

" I drink almost only water, the only sugary thing that I ingest is watermelon juice. In this period the only this I do is sleep. Before I passed out I felt a very loud 'bang' coming from inside me, what was it?" you asked worried remembering.

" It was your head hitting the floor." the doctor said.

" Okay, can I go home? I have a reality show to film." you said wanting to leave this place.. it made you remember bad stuff that you wanted to forget.

" No, Y/n. You'll stay right here, ok?" your manager said and you saw that he was worried.

" What? Is everything okay besides that?" you asked worried.

" Y/n, why aren't you eating?" your manager said in a sweet parenting voice and you were very confused.

" I eat a lot." you said confused.

" Y/n, stop lying. Your blood results and you body status tell us that you eat, but not enough. You do sport a lot and you dance, you should eat more." the doctor said.

" Okay, it wasn't my intention to do this, I'm sorry." you apologized towards your manager.

The doctor told you to get some rest and your manager looked at you with a "it's gonna be fine" face and they got out. You hated to see that you hurt other people, even if it was unintentional. You took your phone that was on your right and decided to call Nayla since your friends are probably worried, but she didn't pick up. You thought that maybe she's busy with the reality so you started to play "Minecraft" on your phone.

After 1 hour you got tired of it and called Nayla again, but she didn't answer. You called Haeun, but she didn't answer either. You tried with every member in your group.. no one answered. You were worried at this point and you tried with your manager.. he didn't answer either.

"Okay.. I'll try with the guys." you said to yourself. You called Hyunjin, Felix Changbin, Jisung, Jeongin, Minho ( Lee Know), Seungmin and you had no luck at all. The only person left was Bang Chan, but you were afraid to call him. You almost yelled at him this morning and after what happened yesterday when you guys kissed and then ditched him, you didn't know what to do. You called him after 10 minutes of debating with yourself, and he answered.

" Hey, how are you?" he asked in a sweet voice.

" I'm fine, you? Do you know why my members aren't answering?" you asked.

" Everyone went out to buy food, we all went to the hospital and stayed a few hours. Y/n, are you okay?" he asked and you smiled.

" Yes, I am. I don't know why this happened, but I'll be fine. I don't know when I'll be back." you said smilibg on like a stupid on your phone. You didn't know why this was happening.

" We already agreed that we will come over tonight. Maybe I could come earlier so that I could tell you what I wanted to tell you last night?" he asks and his tone was a begging one.

You were afraid. You didn't know what to expect and you hated that. You couldn't shut those feeling in your stomach though.

" Ok, and be fast." you said hanging up and regretting your answer.

" OMG, y/n! What the hell are you doing?!" you scolded yourself.

You were thinking of what he might want to tell you, and everything made you scared. You are basically his girlfriend for his parents ecen though you aren't the girlfriend material.

After half an hour he arrived and he was smiling and you smiled back, because his smile is irresistible.

" So... hey." he said while sitting on the chair next to your bed. " Do you need something?" he continued and you shoocked your head to deny his question.

" Okay, tell me." you said impatiently.

" I have a question for you.. actually a lot. Can I?" he asked and you replied with a 'yes'.

" Okay, 1° question: How many guys did you date until now?" he asked and you didn't know what to answer.

" You want the truth... ok... mhh. 7 I guess. My mother made me date those guys or just hang out with them. I never did nothing more than kissing if that is what you want to know." you said smiling.

He looked at me and seemed happy about my answer.

" Question number 2: can we date? please." he said and you were shocked.

" Chris... I don't have the girlfriend material at all. I would probably end up hurting you. Like, for real. I agreed to fake it with your parents because you kept my secret, but I don't have any interest in hurting more people. Like I said, I think that I like you... but I'd rather keep our friendship than you away." you said and he had the best poker face.

" Okay.. friends... How about friends with benefits? I would love one y'know." he said and your brain was loving that idea. You always wanted someone to just do stuff without love. It will be fun, right?

" Okay, but no strings attached." you said and he looked so excited by your answer. You had one more questions though." Chan, why do you want me?" you continued and he sighed.

" 1. I never had one.
2. You are very hot.
3. I do have feelings for you too, but if you are not ready to have a relationship I get it." he said and you smiled.

" Thank you for respecting me." you said.

" Sooo, when do you get out of the hospital I will give you the best night in your life, I promise." he said and your heart felt heavier and you liked those words.

You were about to say something, but the rest came in and they stayed with you for two hours. After they left you fell asleep.


And next week I won't be able to update because I have some really important exams (STAY IN SCHOOL, GUYS). However, I will try (I hope) to post two chapters to recompense next week.

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