Chapter 6.

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You were sleeping peacefully but a bang on the door woke you up. You didn't want to look at the door so you pretended to sleep. You heard some steps approaching the bed and you wanted to wake up Nami, but you couldn't move.

'Sleep-paralysis' you thought. You opened your eyes and you saw something on your left. You started panicking, it was the first time that you saw something. You started to sweat and crying... that thing was approaching you. You wanted to scream but you couldn't. You wanted to run.. but you couldn't.

You suddenly started to get control of your body and that thing started to back up until you woke up. You didn't know what else to do but cry. You were the only thing that could've been heard in the room and eventually Nami woke up and she started to hug you and she wanted to go get you some water but you stopped her. You didn't want to be alone. You calmed down a bit, but when you did a thunder made its entrance and you jumped and yelled a bit. 

Everyone is in your room by now and they are looking at you scared. Your members are hugging you while the guys don't know what to do. You finally calmed down for good and you thanked everyone that they came here to see how are you doing and you apologized for waking them up.

" Y/n, what did you dream?" Minho asked and you hesitated to answer, but you figured that's the best thing to do.

" I have sleep-paralysis, but until now I haven't seen stuff. I heard a bang on the door. it was very loud now that I think about it. I didn't want to open my eyes, but I did.. and I saw a black figure standing on my left near the window.. the figure came closer. but faded as I started to wake up. Every time I looked at it I could only feel fear and like someone was pushing my chest down." you said and everyone had weird faces on.

" Well, what are we doing now? I know that I won't be able to sleep." Hyunjin said and you smiled.

" The thing that is actually freaking me out is the thing with my bed.. I have a wild imagination, but she can't vandalize my bed." you said and it was quiet for a second.

You all heard footsteps on the stairs and Jisung closed to door with a key and we all stayed in my bed.

" We are a lot.. maybe it will get scared." Nayla said and you laughed.

" If it is what I think it is.. let's try to dominte it. Like 'this place isn't yours blah blah blah'" you said and they nodded.

The footsteps stopped, but it turned in to a creek made by doors.

" I'll call the manager.. Chan you have your phone?" you asked and he nodded.

" Look if someone died in this house." you said and he looked scared.

You call your manager, and you explain everything really fast and you told him to come with a priest.

You heard stuff coming from under the bed and the air in the room got colder.

"Oh my God..." is what escaped your mouth and everything got back to normal.

" Let's go out of the house before anything happens again." Chan suggested and you all agreed with it.

You heard your managers speaking in the hallway, but you didn't believe it was true.

" Don't open yet..." you said to Jisung because he wanted to open the door.

You called your manager and you heard the phone calling in the house and when he answered, you all felt safer.

" We are in Y/n's room, the one with the green door." Seungmin said.

" Why are you all acting weird?" he asked.

" There is something scary in this house." you said and he knocked on the door and Jisung opened it for him.

He was standing there confused with a priest on his side.

" Hello, can you feel if in this house are weird energies?" you asked the priest.

The priest looked around the house, and you heard another bang on the door. This time was your manager.. and when you looked closely he had a mic on.

Everything made sense now for you.. and you decided to prank these people back.

You got up rapidly and went to close the door. Everyone looked at you confused. You realized that the priest is one of Day6's managers. You smirked at them and started to get closer and closer to Bang Chan. You didn't know if everyone was in this.. but he has one. You started to smirk wider and you punched the wall next to you. It only looked like it was painful, but it wasn't.

" Y/n, are you okay?" Chan said and you looked at him, he feels genuinely scared.

You started laughing in an annoying way and then went serious.

" Let's play truth or dare!" you said in the weirdest tone ever.

" Chan, you go first. Ask me!" you demand.

" Are you okay?" he asked.

" Never been better. It's funny how something this small makes you feel this good. My turn!" you said and decided to end it here.

" Why are you all idiots?" you said and everyone looked disappointed at each other.

Everyone laughed, but Chan hugged you tightly.

" Man, it's fine. I was acting." you said but you didn't mind his comforting arms around you.

" Why are you pranking me?" you asked everyone.

" It seemed like good and fun content." Haeun said and you mocked her.

" So you did all those things, right? l you said and everyone nodded.

" Exept for your paralysis." Nami said and you nodded.

" Well, I'm going back to sleep. Nami, you stay here, the rest out!" you said and you all went back to sleep.

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