Chapter 22

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You woke up and you were not feeling rested at all. You felt... dead. This feeling came back. You sighed and decided to not even see what was going on around about you. You closed your internet connection and just played some games until you had to be at the company. The girls don't even know that you're awake.

You dressed with a black oversized hoodie and oversized black pants, and converse... your hair was in very messy bun. You sighed at yourself.

" Good job, you ruined everything.. as always." you said putting down the parfume and going towards the door. The girls were there, looking preoccupied.

" I don't wanna know.. just let it be." I say taking my cap, mask and backpack. "Let's go" I say walking at the door.

There were only paparazzi oustide your dorm and the menagers were doing their best to keep them away.. but they talked..

You were only hearing "Slut", "bicth" and other bad words. You wanted to cry, but this was your fault. You got in the van, sitting at the window and putting your airpods.. you weren't actually listening to something, you just wanted to avoid everyone. The weather was as shitty as you were feeling and you ironically chuckled.
The outside of the company was fuller than your dorm.

"Oh, boy.." you said and wanted to go outside but your manger stopped you.

"Y/n, the boss said to go in his parking lot, they don't have access there." he said going there.

You immediately sprinter in the practice room and danced for more than 15 hours.. you felt exhausted.

You haven't seen the guys anywhere which made you realx. You didn't want them to see you like this. Especially him. The girls said that they are here, but they're too busy practicing... but that was 5 hours ago. They're probably home right now.

You took a break, you drank water and decided to go to the roof. You liked it there, you saw the entire city.

You were watching the buildings and you hear a voice behind you.

"Hey" you turn and it's Chan.

"Hi" small smile.

"Are you okay?" he asked and you eyes got teary.

"Not a single bit." you say and he opens his arms and you run into his arms crying your eyes out.

"Shhh, it's okay." he said petting your head.

You cried for over an hour in his arms and he tried to make you feel better by giving you support.

You finally back up from the hug and you look at him.

" Chris.. thank you for everything you've done for me. You risked too much. I hope that we can be together in another life. Jyp can't let me stay.. so this is our goodbye. Bang Christopher Chan.. the man who made me happy with just a word, I love you. Please, forget me and please don't cheat on the next relationship." you say smiling and you kiss his cheek.

You were walking towards the door but someone stopped you.

"Y/n.. please don't leave me. I won't lie to you ever again. We can still be together. Baby girl, please." he says having his hands on your wrists.

You see that he's crying.. and you sigh.

"As much as I don't want to go, we can't be together. Not because you lied.. but because.. I- I am gonna go back to China and become a psychologist. I'll try to help the ones that can't go through stuff by themselves. Chan.. be happy and live this for the both of us." you say running from him.

You didn't want this, but this is the right choice. You have to dissapear and let the girls have the best career and leave Chan with someone that will never disappoint him.


It's been a week, you were still in the group and the girls are begging you to not leave. JYP told the CEO that he's not allowing you to leave so you're still here.

"Unnie, please don't leave us. Tge fans need you, we need you.. I need you."Sky said hugging you. "It's not like you used to have sex for money. And even if you did, there's nothing wrong with that." she continues.

"Change your nation's way of thinking and maybe I will be allowed to stay. Nobody will want me." you say hugging her too.

" Okay.." she says in a mad tone and going towards her room.

You go to your room and open your laptop. You don't really know how bad the situation is. You don't really know if they're blaming you.

You are trending first on twitter with the #westillloveyouY/n. You love your fandom, but they don't understand. Your comments to the last cover "before you go" are only positive ones.

"Huh.. I guess they don't hate me." you say for yourself.

You were reading every comment and you get a message from the CEO.

"be in my office in 30 minutes"  you put some comfy clothes on and you arrived in just 20 minutes.

His office was welcoming, but you knew why you are here.

He finally arrived and you bowed at his presence.

"Y/n.. do you really wanna leave the company? There's no bad comment about you. Everyone took it pretty well." he said looking at you.

"I know.. but I don't know what to do. I don't want any hate towards the company or Pandora just because of my past." you say playing with your hair.

"Y/n, stay. We all need you. You are very important to the company.. and you're like family." he said with a warm tone.

"Okay, if I go out in public and the company starts receiving more hate than usual I'm out." you said smiling and he seeme happy with your answer.

"Now.. go tell Chan. I know that he lied.. but you two are soulmates. He loves you more than he loves himself." he said smiling.

You ran to his room and when you entered he wasn't alone. Changbin and Lee Know were there.

"Hey guys, can I speak with Chan.. alone?" you asked and the left quickly.

" What is it?" he asked looking at you.

" I'm not gonna leave the company.. and you know... I forgive you for cheating and lying..just Don't do it ever again." you say taking small steps towards him.

He kissed you with passion and you almost wanted to cry. This man makes you feel alive.. like you're worth something..

"I love you, y/n" he says looking at you.

"I love you more." you say cupping his cheeks.

You and Chan made your relationship public after a few months and the fans took it really well. Pandora was gaining more and more attention every day, you even started collaborating with American artists.


Hey guys... this book has ended. I know that it isn't the best out here on wattpad, but it means too much for me. I hope you enjoyed as much as I did. I will do my best to become a better writer. I'll start a new book soon. This time it will be Lee know.

I hope that you guys are safe and healthy. Remember that you matter.. please. I love you all. See you on the next book, bye💜

Idols love. A Bang Chan FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon