43 : 𝘐𝘳𝘦

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Emma gazed at Ninelie, gratitude etched across her features. "I'm glad you've reunited with your brother, though," she expressed sincerely, her eyes reflecting warmth. "I'm sure he had such a hard time living in Goldy Pond, he was even..."

Ray shot Emma a cautionary glance, a subtle shake of his head signaling her to withhold details about the sensitive incident involving Clive. The orange-haired girl, sensing the tension, was on the verge of speaking but opted to press her lips into a thin line, "Nevermind, I shouldn't have-"

   "It's okay, tell me whatever's on your mind," Ninelie urged, her voice a gentle encouragement.

Emma found herself caught in a contemplative moment, reevaluating her life choices. She hesitated, her mind weaving through a meander of reflections, "Well... back at Goldy Pond, we were about to kill the remaining demon. I tried to talk to him, but he clearly wasn't interested in engaging in a conversation with me, so he went for the attack," Emma started to explain, her voice bearing the weight of a tale that had etched itself into her memory. Her heart raced as she revisited the moment.

   "And then? What happened after that?" inquired Ninelie, her eyes reflecting a piercing curiosity.

   "...Clive took the hit for me," Emma began, her expression shifting to one of anguish. As she mentally prepared herself to unravel the rest of the story, she pointed to her abdomen, a silent gesture that spoke volumes, "The demon stabbed Clive in the stomach and almost killed him. Luckily, we were able to give him a blood transfusion in time," She whispered.

   "I see. So, what's his name?" Ninelie pressed on, her tone carrying a solemn tone.

   "...Huh? His name?" Emma stammered, struggling to maintain her composure. The expected anger did not materialize; instead, Ninelie maintained an unsettling calm. 

   "Yes," Ninelie's gaze bore into Emma's, a subtle hint of hostility surfacing in her eyes. "The demon who tried to kill my brother.."

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