Chapter Thirty Two

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The diner was barely full. There were only two other groups here. One was a family of four and the other was an elderly couple that came here all of the time. I recognized them every time we came here. They stayed quiet and observed the bustle that occurred around them. All they ordered was coffee and a side of fries. It was interesting how they can gather so much entertainment from observing people. I did that on occasion, but it was nothing like bingo night or quilt-making. Those activities sounded more appealing than people-watching.

Harry was feeling much better. Some aspirin and caffeine was just the answer. He obviously still in some pain, but he was much more uppity. He was being a little cheeky bastard today too.  Each time I passed by him while he was resting he managed to reach out and pinch my ass. That was then followed by some ballsy comment like, "Damn I can't wait for dinner tonight" or "I know we're in a bakery, but you don't need to be giving me all of that cake". Apparently a nickname for an ass is cake. I guess you learn new things every day. His remarks, despite the stupidity of them, resulted in a chuckle from me every time. He had this charm about him. It was weird, but I guess I fell for it. Literally.

I'd been thinking about my feelings about Harry, like I always do, and came to the conclusion that I was quite frankly falling in love with the boy. I wasn't exactly there yet. I think it's because my brain is telling me to hold that part of me back. I'd never felt so passionately about someone before and here he was, making me drool. I also didn't want to scare him by moving too fast. He mentioned he wasn't a big relationship person when we'd first started dating. I was surprised he even wanted to be in a relationship with me after he had said that.  I never asked him about previous girlfriends or boyfriends, but I was curious. Had he ever fallen in love before? What happened to that person? Why'd they break it off? Did he like them more than he liked me? Was I foolish for falling for him?

My thoughts were a constant train. They only stopped when I was asleep and sometimes when I was with Harry. He distracted me from a lot of life which was both a good and bad thing. Good because I finally had a chance to process things and bad because I used it to push away certain feelings that I hated to accept. I used distraction as a coping method most of the time. I had many different ways of coping depending on the severity of the problem.

"-we already bought the tickets anyway," Eleanor rambled. All seven of us were comfortably seated in the largest booth they had there. It was one of those that was sort of a semicircle. We usually sat at one of the large tables, but we felt more boothy today. Eleanor leaned into Louis' side and their hands were intertwined on his lap.

"Tickets for what?" I asked after sipping Harry and I's shared glass of water.

"The fall dance," Eleanor stated with a 'duh' tone, "You know, the one we got that thing for at the thrift store," Oh that dance. I couldn't wait for Harry to see me in that dress, if he wanted to go, that is.

"We're all going? Is that okay with you H?" I asked, brushing my hand on top of his. He took the hint and cupped them together.

"Yeah sounds good, but by the way I've seen you dance, Elaine, you might want to practice," he jested, "Are you guys going to that Halloween party at the frat houses? Elaine and I were planning on going if you guys would like to join us."

"Elaine? At a frat party? Count me in," Niall punched my shoulder. I fell against Harry a tad too hard. He sucked his lips into his mouth to withhold his hissing. I pulled back immediately and muttered a quick apology.

Everyone seemed excited about the Halloween party. It was at the college Gemma went to. The drive was excessive and would cause us to stay the night. Harry said we could stay in the spare bedroom at Gemma's 'flat' or apartment. I was over-the-moon that Gemma liked me enough to let me stay in her apartment. Maybe it was just because I was dating her little brother, but I liked to think it was because of my 'bubbly' personality.

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