Chapter 12

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Ana entered the one and only conference room with both excitement and anxiety. She had no idea what a code purple was but she knew this was her first mission and it made her feel butterflies in her stomach.

The conference room wasn't as huge as Ana expected, but it was nothing short of breathtaking. There was a huge mirror wall with golden panes, a black marble floor with the Venom Vipers symbol on it, the walls were covered just like the floor. It also had pictures, which Ana came to know as those of high importance to the empire. There was also a white board, some projectors and a cabinet full of organised files, mostly contracts.

Soon every expected attendant was seated at the table. There were twelve seats, 5 on each side and one on each corner and all had name tags. When Ana found her seat she realised she was going to sit between Taylor and Lucas. She hadn't seen Taylor in weeks. He didn't come for training since her first one and they didn't meet on the hallways. She was downed by this, but Lucas was always there for her, making her smile and delicious cocktails. She was happy he still stuck around.

Ana was settled in, and was deeply engrossed in her phone she didn't realize Taylor had already arrived. When she incidentally turned her head to her right she met his figure and instantly froze.

He was wearing a leather jacket and denim jeans. She could tell whether he was wearing a shirt from her angle, but either way she was astounded to see him again.

Before she could say anything to him Trevor entered the room making everyone instinctively stand in respect. Behind him was Bella, engrossed in a mobile game she was playing. "Let's begin," Trevor said, taking his seat. Everyone mused in silence.

"So, Jared, what's with the Code purple meeting." Trevor asked coldly, probably the meeting interrupted something and he was pissed. Jared, leader of the Stealth Kings, cleared his throat, attracting over ten pairs of eyes towards him. "Well sir, we have a problem. Several of our intels have been kidnapped by the Rogue Mafia. After several connections we realised they are after our suppliers. They threatened them using their families, bastards. Also, tonight is the exhibition of the rare Dragon Flame ruby in Washington museum and we have heard that Marvel Cobras could attack there. Tonight is the only chance to get one of the M.C men and find out about our biggest rival empire."

A wicked smirk kissed Trevor's lips, "Once again Jared, excellent work. Now we need a strategy for us to be in both places, one team will rescue our intelles in New York while the other will go and ambush Marvel Cobras. Britney, Taylor what do you think?" Taylor and Britney looked at each other confused, they had no idea what to do. Ana got an idea, "Don sir, can I propose something?" Trevor rolled his eyes, ignoring Ana's sweet voice. Bella saw this and acted fast," Dad, you can't ignore an idea. At this point what we need is keep Venom Vipers powerful. So keep your ego in check about this?" Bella whispered to Trevor.

Hesitantly, he nodded, "Yes dear, tell me your idea." Ana smiled, "Okay so the main deal here is keeping our suppliers safe, but this may be the only chance we get of revealing our rival empire. So, some of us can go undercover as guests to the museum, we would be few but well capable of handling the Marvel Cobras. Also, it's possible they wouldn't be alot because judging from the host only highly exclusive guests will attend. About New York's situation, I suggest that 3 Raging Rogues, 2 Killer Queens and 2 Slicerderks should go to New York to save our intels, they are stronger and hence won't have trouble with the mission. Besides from their previous attacks that I've studied, they never hide rival empire intels in their warehouse, so they probably hired the only abandoned construction site from the Icy Wolves since they are allies. That's just my suggestion, Don."

Everyone stared blankly at Ana unable to believe how a rookie outsmarted them. Taylor was also mesmerized by his wife's smarts. He smirked and turned to Trevor," I believe she's right. They wouldn't be sure if they would get the information they wanted so they still kept their warehouse a secret. It all makes sense, dad." Trevor stayed in thought for a while, "Okay fine. Ana, you lead this operation. Report to me tomorrow. Everyone better cooperate with her on this." Everyone nodded and Trevor left, obviously not pleased with what he just said. Bella ran to her sister and hugged her tightly, "Congratulations siz, crash em okay?" She whispered, before placing a chaste kiss on Ana's cheek and ran out, following Trevor.

Ana still couldn't believe it, she was the newbie and yet she was leading her first mission. She was so excited. "Well Ana, this is your chance to make your impression on everyone." Taylor said sweetly, making Ana smile. "I'll need your help of course." Taylor smirked,"Sure." Before she could say anything else Britney jumped her into a hug. "Well done Ana, your incredibly good at this." She squealed excitedly. Ana laughed at Britney's reaction. Everyone congratulated her, but Ana knew better than to be distracted. She had a mission to lead and it had to be successful or else...

Everything was set. Ana decided to go to Washington DC and assigned Taylor to lead the mission  to New York. They managed to get 6 regular invites for the exhibition, only if they were coupled. So they paired up, Lucas with Ana,Cole with Maddie and Britney managed to sneak Evad as her date. It was going to be their first date but no one except Taylor and Ana knew.

The two teams felt at noon. The couples with the Washington invites went with the Venom jet while the rest went with their Sports cars and vans.

Ana was soon ready. Luckily, they had arrived on time and had plenty to look presentable. She wore a glamorous grey dress with a high slit, her hair in a high ponytail, silver diamond earrings and matching necklace, open grey  heels with a lace at her ankles. She was hot. It was time to leave. Ana, Lucas, Britney, Evad, Maddie and Cole entered their van, with Lucas on the driver's seat and Ana on the passenger side. They soon arrived, right on time. "Check one two, do you read, I repeat do you read?"  Ana said to her bluetooth earpiece, making sure they were connected to Venom Vipers ICT room," Loud and clear Ana, we read. We've gotten access to the museum's CCTV camera, we are all set for the operation." Ana smiled, everything was going great. Luckily, the museum held the exhibition as a masquerade. "Let's go guys." Ana said, wearing her silver mask. When they got in they shot out their fake IDs and were let in smoothly.

They split up, every one with their dates, and searched for anything suspicious. "You look great, BTW." Lucas whispered to Ana, making her red like tomatoes. "Thanks, you're not bad yourself." Lucas smiled while shaking his head slightly. "Guys, how's it going?" Ana whispered to her earpiece. "All good, nothing yet." Britney answered, "All clear Ana," Maddie answered too. Ana sighed. Lucas, taking advantage of the situation, grabbed Ana's waist and pulled her closer to him. Ana gasped," What the..." She said before Lucas placed his index finger on her lips, interrupting her. "Let's have a little fun while we are here,hmm." Ana smiled and nodded. "Sure, why not, a little fun." Her voice sounded mischievous making Lucas smirk. They had drinks and socialize with some people, who complimented them as the most cutest couple behind the masks. Britney and Evad did not hold back, this was their first date and they made the most out of it. Soon it was almost midnight and nothing had happened. Ana was however ecstatic when she got news that the intels were rescued and all their information cleared from the Rogues' files. However one died while two had already lost their families. It was sad but the mission was still successful.

Just when Ana was about to call off the mission Jared alerted them to their feet. "Some men just took down the guards outside while two others are hacking the museum's electricity software." Finally some action 😎.

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