A whole new world

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Time passed quickly .. He managed to take my fear away "Kelly seems to oversleep everything" Colby stated .. "She won your heart, right?" .. "Yes sweetheart but not only Kelly. Her mom too .. you are beautiful and deserve something better "" Seth "his manager came to us" We will land right away if the little one should not be seen. Then take care that nobody sees the face ".. He nodded" What have you got in front of baby? ""I will put a cloth over your Maxi cosi protects your face believe me it works," I said ... "And you?" He wanted to know .. "I am sure the world already knows why I should still hide". "Ok are you ready?" .. "who's going to pick us up from Colby? "" Roman and Dean Sweetheart. ".. Kelly woke up and I took the big towel and said to her" Mommy wants to protect you .. " could see ... "Ready Alexa?Colby's manager asked me .. I nodded and was surprised when Colby took the Maxi Cosi and went on to tell me to stay behind him. Finally solid ground under my feet he took my hand ..and surprisingly, people left us alone. I expected questions, Dean and Roman are waiting in front of the airport. "Nice to see you .. I'm so excited about the little one" said Dean .."In the car ok" Colby called to him before he brought Kelly into the car. Dean stormed after and Roman asked how I was doing, how the flight was. "Thank you, I'm fine ..everything is just another world for me "I was looking for the bag my sunglasses." Alexa asked a question. Is that an engagement ring? "With a big smile I nodded .. And we got into the car ..and lo and behold, Kelly had also taken Dean to his heart. "You have a pretty daughter," Roman said.

"Just like the mother." Colby smiled and gave me a kissDean said excitedly "Roman you know what our friend did" without looking away from Kelly "but you're also a cute one." Roman laughed "I know" .. The drive to the hotel was over to Kelly the star I looked at Colby and was happy ..a dream came true ... I was not used to the hotel either, I knew a holiday apartment, only it fit into the room twice. I was overwhelmed and really felt like a queen ....

I asked Colby to take care of the little one. I wanted to shower the flight was long and I wanted to freshen up. Still was overwhelmed by everything here .. The shower was good .. I enjoyed the water on my skin ..damn i felt good .. free and happy ... i stood in front of the mirror some time later and smiled "good i wasn't cowardly and dared .. damn alexa the man is a dream and it is seth rollins" .. "Oh sweetheart, am I a dream?" .. Colby stood with Kelly in her arms and a big grin in the door .. Kelly played with his hair "She loves your hair and yes you are a dreamI didn't want to believe that you really were. "..." Baby I noticed that and I'm glad that your heart won ".." You know what .. I often talked to Anna about it like it did if you and me "I said cheekily to him .."Your mom is a great woman and you know that really little princess ... I love you and your mom so much" .. I stood there and my tears ran with joy "Sweetheart everything OK?" ... I nodded and I went to the two ..colby took me in my arms, my little one put her arms to me .. I took my arm and pressed her to me ...

"Sweetheart come on now you must be hungry and certainly not only you" ... I nodded and put Kelly in her stroller ..as soon as I could see Colby grabbed the car and the big cloth .. I stood there and smiled .. HE IS SO GREAT..He LOVES THE LITTLE AND HE IS SO GREAT FATHER .. I THOUGHT ..WITH IT I COULD PRESENT A SECOND CHILD ... "Look little princess mum dreams. Darling we can. !!" .. I nodded "Yes I dreamed of later when the little one sleeps" ..I already knew this look from Colby too well .. And I knew he couldn't hold his hands any more than I could ..
In the elevator I met Alexis again "Colby is a good family for you. May I see the little mouse?" ... "Of course gladly "I gave her an answer ..." Oh, she's really cute, mom "Alexis called ..." Why the scarf? "I explained that I don't want Kelly to be in public because I want to that it grows to normal size ..alexis understood and let Colby understand that he shouldn't let go ... "Don't worry I don't mean that" He took my hand and showed her the ring "How nice I congratulate you both" ... She took me in the arm... "I think we both get along well" .. I grinned and in fact she should become a very good friend to me .. It was such a great day and later in the evening when Kelly was sleeping ...I lay in his arm and played with my finger in his hair "Like the daughter like the mother" .. "Only the mother wants to have a kiss now!" ..he smiled and gently pushed me onto the sofa and put his hands under my top as we kissed ...

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