Chapter 28- headlight

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September 22, 2001


It's been 3 days since Naomi got out of the hospital and it's hard man. It's fucking hard seeing here in this state. Like shit the day we showered together I mean we showered together once before and I remember her body perfectly but when I saw her beat up body it felt like someone stabbed a knife in my chest. It was hard as fuck seeing her like that man..hard AS FUCK! but she's getting better and better every day and even tho it's hard seeing her like that it's nice having her around. Even tho she have those moments when she doesn't want to speak at all or that she doesn't want me to touch her and I can't blame her. After what that motherfucker did to I'm gonna fucking kill him! I'm gonna go to fucking jail cause I'm gonna kill him!!! No one touch my girl! No fucking one!...I'm on my way to Kim's to pick up hailie and I hope this bitch won't cause another drama. I got to her house and she let me in.

"I'm gonna get Alina here in like a week or so" she said and I nodded at her

"Where's hailie?"

"Drawing in her room." She said and I walked off. I got hailies room and smiled down at her

"Hey baby" I said and she look up at me and smiled and ran to me

"Daddy!!!!" She got excited and I picked her up

"How has my baby been?" I asked her and kissed her on the cheek and she giggled

"Good daddy and look my teeth fell" she said and opened her mouth to show me

"Wow really?? Well now the tooth fairy will give you a surprise" I said and she got excited

"OMGG I'm going to asked for a baby doll" she said and I smiled at her

"So take your teeth with you today." I said and put her down cause I need to tell kim she's meeting Naomi after all I can't do it behind her back

"Kim" I said and she turned around "hailie gon meet Naomi today" I said and she laughed at my face

"No she's not" she said and turned around

"Kim I'm not asking you I'm Letting you know so you won't give me shit later" I said and walked away but she followed me

"Marshall I'm serious she's not meeting that bitch" she said and I turned around

"First of all watch you mouth. And second... it was ok for her to meet your boyfriend but it's not ok for me to introduce her to my girlfriend?!" I raised my voice now

"So she's your girlfriend now" she asked and I let out a chuckle

"Did you really think I was going to let her see hailie if this shit wasn't serious?!" I asked absolutely pissed

"You know damn well you can't be committed to someone it's just a matter of time till you going to fall for the groupies again" she said and I could feel my blood getting hot from the angrer

"You're so lucky hailies here" I said and took hailie to the car. I placed her in her chair and she played with her dolls. "Baby you're going to meet one of my friends today ok?"

"Who is he?" She asked and I kept my eyes on the road

"She's a really close friend of mine and she's staying with us for a while" I said and she nodded

"Is she pretty daddy?" She asked me and I I looked at her in the mirror

"Yeah she is" I said and smiled

"Does she make music like you?"

"No she's not. So are you going to be on your best behavior today?" I asked her

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