Chapter XVI

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I'm not scared,

I'll face it fiercely.

I'm not worried,

I'll be careful,

I'm trying not to be wary.

I'm not too brave

Or scaredy,

I'm just living life,

As if I'm okay.


Namjoon couldn't help but feel something heavy weighing down on his heart.

He haven't clearly heard her thoughts for a while and it scared him. But with his constant practice sessions and barely any time left for rest, he wasn't able to focus on her.

He sometimes wondered if he was projecting enough cheerful thoughts towards her but he doubted that he'd be able to that with his worry to perfect the choreography.

Sometimes he'd randomly feel gloomy and numb for a fleeting moment and then everything would turn normal.

"How's everything going with your mate?" Namjoon heard a whisper.

Facing the person, "She's doing fine... I guess. I haven't really focused on distinguishing our thoughts yet, since the comeback." His shoulders sagged with exhaustion. Gulping down a sip of water, "Hyung... Do you think I could find her?" He asks Jin, eyeing the elder with desperation and hope.

"Joon-ah, you know how it's different for everyone. You're lucky that at least you know her existence..." Jin trailed off with a crestfallen look before breathing in deeply and patting Namjoon's back, "Talk to your parents. They're the best help you can get seeing how they're soulmates too!" He finished with a jovial smile.

Namjoon nodded curtly and sipped some more water watching him leave while thinking of the various times he had tried talking to his parents. All the times he felt that the information was useless in his case.

They were from the same city... My mate is in a different time zone!


Too many things on mind.

Exam. Family issues. Self-worth. Fan life.

It felt like a normal day for her as she banged her head on her study table at midnight.

"Are you going to fail?" Her sister asked, eyeing her in confusion.

"I don't wanna pass and go on with life." She mumbled the answer trying not to be heard.

Understanding settled on her sister's face, "You don't need to bang your head for it though. Just imagine when you'll pass out and apply for an university that's outside the city. At least you won't have to live here."

Yes! That's the reason why I wanted to study before... She thought and bobbed her head, "I guess you're right."

No imposing parents.

No need to ask for any permiss-

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the front door.

Their father was home.

And their mother was awake.

Ready to argue.

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