Forty Five: Away From

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"An enemy of mine who wants revenge...and is enemy of mine who wants revenge and is enemy..." I sit at the table supposedly eating breakfast, but all I can do is think.

"What about the Pink Lantern you were telling me about?"

Twilight has been dumped on me for the day. According to Kariana, it will help us to 'get to know each other'. I really don't mind; she's lovely.

"Um, Hana? Where's your boyfriend?" She asks me.

"He's out at the moment," Is all I say.

I have managed to entertain her by placing the jewellery box Conner gave me for Christmas a few years ago in front of her.

"He must love you! You've got so many jewels! Diamonds, crystals, rubies, emeralds, pearls, opals, shells, jade, quartz..."

"Love is not defined by material possession, Twilight."

"Okay...but this is so cool; haha!"

She lays on the floor and throws my jewels in the air like money. What an odd little girl.

"Hana, what's this?" She asks. 

I glance over at her, to see her holding up Katyana's ring.

Sighing, I launch into the story of my fault, where I caused an Alien's atomic heart to explode and kill hundreds of innocent villages.

"That ring," I finish, "belonged to a girl named Katyana. She was killed, and her severed head was used to taunt me into losing control, and I did."

The white haired girl looked about ready to burst in to ears. "V-Valentine, don't cry," I laugh nervously, hugging her. What a sweetie.

"Hey, you want to meet someone special?" I ask, and she nods.

"Orion!" I yell.

The old meta-possum comes bounding out of the bedroom in puppy form. He gets half way and has to slow down, due to his current old age.

"This," I say, bringing him over with magic, "is my oldest and most trusted companion, Orion. I love him very much, and he is very special to me. I've had him almost my entire life."

"Awesome," she whispers, wide-eyed. Orion looks up at her, then at me. I smile at him.

There is a sharp knock at the door. I stand up and answer it, finding Kariana standing there. "Oh, good. You're home," she says, walking in.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"Yes. Nabu came to my house."

I blinked in confusion.

"And...that's a bad thing?"

When she looks at me, it's as if she realizes what she has said. She pulls her fluffy shawl around her shoulders tighter, black gloves squeaking upon contact.

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