Logicality. Movie Night

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Long makeout session.

Logan Sanders x Patton Sanders (Sanders Sides)

"Logan! Virgil and Roman went out on a date! so now we can have our movie night!" Patton says as he runs into the front room and stands in front of Logan with a huge smile. "That's nice" Logan says as he reads a book, not caring to look up at his clingy boyfriend. Patton giggles and grabs Logan's book away as he sits down on his lap. Logan wraps his arms around Patton's waist and grabs his book back. Logan reads his book as Patton hugs onto him "What should we watch?" Logan asks and grabs the remote as he keeps reading. wanting to finish the chapter so he wouldn't keep Patton waiting to long. "Can we watch Mha? I heard a lot of people like it" Patton says and turns around in Logan's lap, so he could see the Tv. "Yeah" Logan says and places a kiss to Patton's neck making him giggle. "Logan, that tickled" Patton says and Logan smiles, hugging Patton close. Patton plays episode one of Mha and cuddles close to Logan. Logan sets his book down and grabs a blanket, covering up Patton and himself. Patton watches Mha and plays with the buttons on Logan's shirt. Logan watches Tv and kisses Patton's neck gently, as he rubs his thigh. "We should get our Pjs on and get some food before getting comfortable." Logan says and Patton nods "Okay!" Patton says happily and gets up, running to the bedroom to get changed. Logan smiles and follows him into the bedroom. Patton slips on some pink shorts and a light blue oversized t-shirt then turns to Logan. Logan was putting on some sweat pants and a simple blue top. Patton walks to Logan and hugs him "Can we have Ramen?" Patton asks and Logan hums "Yeah" Logan says and lifts up Patton, walking to the kitchen and setting him on the counter. Patton grabs Logan's shirt before he walks away. "What?" Logan asks and looks at Patton as he gets pulled back. "Nothing" Patton says and smiles as he wraps his arms around Logan's waist and kisses him. Logan wraps his arms around Logan's neck and kisses back. Patton grabs Logan's ass and giggles as Logan yelps, pulling back from the kiss. "Patton!" Logan says and huffs softly as he tries to walk away but gets pulled back. Patton kisses Logan again and slides his hands to Logan's waist. Logan closes his eyes and melts at the touch. Patton and Logan make out slowly and press their bodies against each other. Logan tries to pull away but Patton held him in place. "Don't go" Patton mumbles into the kiss as he slides his hands down and grabs Logan's hips. Logan grabs Patton's arms and whines into the kiss. Patton smiles and slips tongue. Logan gasps and flushes red. Patton and Logan French kiss slowly. Patton pulls away after a few minutes and giggles as drool drips down Logan's chin. Logan pants softly and blushes. "Did you like it?" Patton asks and moves some of Logan's hair behind his ear. Logan nods slightly and wipes his mouth "I need to make food now.." Logan says shyly and Patton giggles, kissing Logan before letting him make the Ramen. Patton gets up and grabs some soda's for them before waiting on the couch for Logan. Logan walks into the front room and sets the bowls of Ramen on the table. Patton smiles and plays the episode before grabbing Logan's waist and pulling him into his lap. Logan yelps softly before getting comfortable in Patton's lap. Patton giggles and kisses Logan then grabs his bowl of Ramen and eats. Logan eats and watches Mha. Patton eats and holds Logan close. Roman and Virgil walk inside together, hand in hand as they talked. "Welcome home!" Patton says and smiles at them. Virgil waves slightly then goes to the bedroom. Roman smiles "I'll catch you guys later" Roman says before going after Virgil. Logan hums and keeps watching Tv and eating. Patton sets his bowl down before wrapping his arms back around Logan's waist. A while later and Patton laid on the couch with Logan laying on top of him. Logan was hugging Patton's arm and sleepily watching Tv. Patton rubbed Logan's lower back and smiled as he noticed him falling asleep. Patton grabs the remote and turns the Tv off as he covers Logan up with a blanket. Logan cuddles Patton and slowly falls asleep "Goodnight, I love you" Patton whispers softly and kisses Logan's head before letting him sleep. Roman walks out and smiles seeing them "He's so cute" Roman whispers to Patton as he leans against the couch. Patton smiles and nods as he keeps rubbing Logan's lower back. "How was your date?" Patton asks quietly and Roman sighs softly "So great" Roman says and looks over at the bedroom. Virgil walks out and looks at Roman with tired eyes "Come back to sleep" Virgil mumbles and walks to Roman, hugging him. "Goodnight, Patton" Roman says before lifting up Virgil and walking back to the bedroom. "Goodnight, Roman" Patton says and smiles before closing his eyes and going to sleep. 

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