Chapter 2: Nightmare

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      The test was hard but I got 46 out of 55. Not so good. When I finished the test I went to my room to study, my father will be mad no doubt. I don't no why I am studying for a test I already did but my father will want me to study so I do, before he tells me to so I don't get in anymore trouble then I already am. 

--- Time lapse---

    I wake with a scream. My body is coated with a layer of sweat, and I am panting. Another nightmare. I get nightmares all the time now after my mother was killed.I remember her screams and sobbs, I try my hardest to forget that day but it's like the image was imprinted in my eyelids, tattooed there. I hate her for leaving me alone with Andrew but I am also glad that she got to escape. I don't expect him to come and comfort me. He never does. He doesn't care.  Tomorrow is the tenth anniversary of my mother's passing. I was only Six when she died so I don't remember her that much. But I remember her screams and sobs like I would my own name .Of my father pushing her through walls and her locking her door so I couldn't get in. I hate it here. I hate him.

 I get up to take a shower hoping it will calm my mind. I also change my PJs so I sleep in fresh ones instead of the sweat soiled ones . I don't fit in here, i'm not selfless enough, my sister was she was older than me by 3 years, she always thought of everybody else in the room not once resting her eyes from searching the room, looking for someone to help. I'm not good enough, not like her. " BANG"  I jump right out of my skin, The sound seemed to jolt me out of whatever trance I was in, what was that? I wander out of my room i'm not allowed to leave my room after I go to bed but I can't help it. I need to know what that sound was. I turn the corner and see my father. He threw a book at the wall. His face is contorted with anger so I turn quickly to leave but he must have spotted me.

" Beatrice!" he yell. I cringe both at my name and his tone.

" Yes dad" I whisper slipping into the shadows.

" What are you doing out of your room" his face and body are tense. This will not end well for me.

" I heard a loud noise and wanted to know what it was" 

" Come here" he says his voice infected with anger. It is four in the morning so it is the tenth anniversary  of my mother passing. I walk slowly toward him. Afraid he will burst any moment. When I am a few feet away from him he lunges at me and grabs my wrists.

" You know the rules" he whispers " You are not allowed out of your room without permission after you go to bed"

" I know I was just curious-"

Out of know were he slaps me and I fall to my knees, shaking. My face stings from the blow, and he wrenches me to my feet. 

" You also know the punishment for not listening to me and defying the rules of your faction!  Beatrice why don't you listen to me and follow the simple rules of our faction" he says softly. I am hunched over and do not respond. I do listen to him, I was just wondering what happened. But again my curiosity is a betrayal to my factions beliefs. When I don't respond he shoves me to my knees and and pulls up my shirt to my neck and I hear his belt sliding from his belt loops.

"You are an embarrassment of a person and daughter!!!" he screams 

 Then the pain begins.

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