Chapter 30: Sparks flying

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------Tris Pov------

The next morning I am giddy with happiness.....

Till I move.  Stifling a groan I Sit up, I look around to see everybody still asleep. The lights are off but I can still see the outlines of bunks. Today we have the day off so I figured I should get in some training time.

My back was infected as of yesterday, but Tobias gave me Meds to take to block out the pain. My heart flutters at the thought of him and my mind wanders back to the kiss.  Does he like me? I mean he must if he kissed me. But what if he thinks a mistake now? 

Shut it Tris. He kissed you, plus you know you like him. A voice argues in my head.

But what If he doesn't like you back. What if andrew is right?  What if nobody will ever love me? Another voice argues back. 

I shut the thoughts out of my head and get ready. I found out Yesterday when I left Tobias's apartment to find Christina that Fights are starting in 2 days. Which means I need to train and practice if I want to win and stay in dauntless. 

I throw on a pair of black sweatpants, a black tank top, and pull my hair into a high ponytail. I grab my jacket, pull on my combat boots and tip toe out of the dorms. 

Once I am outside I walk normally to the dining hall grab a muffin and head to the training room.  I walk the dauntless halls, trailing my hand across the cold stone walls. 


This is my home, And I love here, I am free here. No more being talked down to. No more being beaten. No more deprivation of food. No more toxic house. No more making my self small and quiet. 

I'm dauntless.  

And those two words keep me walking With my head high.

I reach the training room and shove the doors open, I'm hit with the smell of dust and sweat again and walk over to the shelves on the far wall of the training room. I look through the shelves. 

"Where are you" I mutter under my breath.  

" Top shelf" I hear a deep voice say from across the room. I jump and spin around to find Tobias.

I sigh in relief" Oh God you scared me." I say holding my hand to my chest. He chuckles and walks over.

" Sorry" 

" What are you doing here?" I ask

" I thought I would get some training in. Apparently I'm not the only one" He says. I smile and nod.

" I couldn't find the tape" I say scanning the shelf

He reaches up and grabs a small plastic box from the top shelf and pulls it down. He opens it and pulls out two rolls of beige tape, passing me one. 

" Thanks" I say. He doesn't respond and places the box back on the shelf.  I sigh, my body still heavy from sleep and walk over to a table and start to tape my hands so I don't break the skin while punching the bag. 

" Long night?" He asks from behind me. 

" No" I lie, I had more nightmares last night but he doesn't need to know that. 

I finish taping my knuckles and turn around to face him, he looks unsatisfied with my answer but doesn't push it. I give a small smile and ask him" What about you"

" No" He says. I can tell he is lying as he can probably tell I was too. I get lost in his eyes and we just stand there, staring into each other's eyes. 

Your staring. A voice reminds me.

So is he. Another voice agures

Too long now. Its reminds me again

He's looking back. The other says.

"Come on, We should train" I say breaking eye contact and rush over to the punching bag. I contract my abs and square up as My fist connects with the bag. It sways.

Yes! I made it move. 

" Good job" Tobias says coming over to the punching bag beside me.

I smile and hit it again as he assaults his punching bag with relentless force. We continue to work till I feel like my abs are going to fall apart. It surprisingly takes a lot of work to spar. Tobias drags an arm across his forehead and picks at the tape on his hands. I sigh tiredly and lean my back against the bag.

Big mistake.

"Ow" I yelp And shoot my body forward.

" Are you okay?" Askes Tobias Concern clear in his voice. 

" Fine" I say bitterly. Anger is fresh in my mind and I start to hit the bag again. Constantly.

One. Straight punch. Two. Lower Uppercut. Three. Hook punch. Four. Throat jab. Five. lower Uppercut. Six.  Straight punch. 

I feel a cold hand on my shoulder and whip around to see two deep blue eyes.

" Take it easy. You don't want to burn out" He whispers, his voice soft.

" I know, I just- I don't- I" He cuts me off with his lips. I'm so shocked at first that I dont move and when I feel him start to pull away I come alive. I slip my hand around his waist and pull him closer. After a few seconds I pull away for breath, our faces only inches apart.

Holy crap. He just kissed me again.

I told you he likes you!

Shut up.

I look into his eyes again and and lean forward pressing my mouth to his.

Holy crap. You just kissed him!

Hah! well now you know you like him.

Shut up.

He stay like that for a few minutes, kissing till we break away for breath. 

" What do you want to work on next" He whispers

" Kicks" I whisper back grinning. He grins back and we go back to beating up the punching bags.

He helps me with my stance with the kicking but it's harder because I have bad balance. I can't keep my mind off of the kiss. Can't wipe the smile off my face. So after a while, I stop trying.

And let myself be happy. 

Little did I know what was going to happen in two days time.


Ooooooooh cliffhanger! Hah, I'm evil........And amazing.....I'm Evilly amazing.

Hehehe Please comment and vote, Thank you, love you guys!!!!!!

Word count 1046!!!

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