|| TWILIGHT || Nine | Rogue Vampires

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No One's POV

"Stop!" Alice calls.

Everyone soon speeds over to Bella and Elizabeth.

"They were leaving then they heard us." Alice says to her family members.

"Let's go." Edward says, pulling Bella along while Carlisle sighs, pulling Elizabeth close to him.

"It's too late." Carlisle says, making Edward pause.

"Get your hair down." Edward tells Bella, who listens.

"Like that'll help. I can smell her from across the field." Rosalie says.

"We shouldn't have brought you or Elizabeth here, I'm so sorry." Edward says.

"I'll be fine. It's Bella we need to be more concerned for." Elizabeth says.

"What?" Bella asks.

"Just stay quiet and stand behind me." Edward says.

"Bella, come here." Elizabeth says.

Elizabeth hugs Bella then puts Bella's hat on.

"I'm trying to put some vampire scent on you." Elizabeth says then puts the hat back on Bella's head.

"Stay behind me at all times. I know you can handle yourself but.. just keep Bella close." Carlisle says to Elizabeth, with a hand on her hip.

Elizabeth nods and the two share a quick yet passionate kiss. They pull away and Elizabeth turns to Bella.

"Stay behind us. I'll be right by you." Elizabeth says.

Bella nods then Elizabeth stays behind Carlisle and Edward, next to Bella. The sisters held hands.

The three rogue vampires come up to The Cullens.

"I believe this belongs to you." Laurent says, holding up the baseball, before tossing it to Carlisle, whom caught it perfectly.

"Thank you." Carlisle says.

"I am Laurent, and this is Victoria... and James." Laurent says.

"I'm Carlisle. This is my family." Carlisle says.

"Hello." Laurent says, letting his eyes roam across The Cullen family.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused a little bit of a mess for us." Carlisle says.

"Our apologies. We had no idea the territory had been claimed." Laurent says.

"Yes, well. We maintain a permanent residence nearby." Carlisle says.

"Really?... Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through." Laurent says.

"The humans were tracking us but we lead them east. You should be safe." Victoria says.

"Excellent." Carlisle says.

"So... could you use three more players?" Laurent asks.

The Cullens were hesitant. They knew Bella and Elizabeth had to leave. Mainly Bella. So Carlisle came up with an excuse.

"Oh come on... just one game." Laurent says.

"Sure. Why not? A few of us were leaving. You could take their place. We'll bat first." Carlisle says before tossing the ball.

Victoria catches it.

"I'm the one with the wicked curve ball." Victoria says.

"Oh, well I think we can handle that." Jasper says.

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