Untitled Part 9

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I slump on the floor as a deep sigh escapes my lungs. Now for that long needed shower. I look over to where Jonathon had carried me and things had happened. Not really wanting to step foot back in that shower I look for other options. 

Luckily there was what looked to be a tiny spa bath tucked away in the corner. I stand up and make my way there. The water turned on and it was a nice and warm temperature, I scan the bathroom for anything to wash myself with.

On the counter there stood a few bottles which I inspected smell, look and what they were of course.  The first one was a tall and smelled great, it reminded me of William.  It was a soft but not quite flowery smell. Like fresh cotton balls sort of. 

Not like I know what cotton balls smell like but that was the first thing that entered my mind as I smelled it.  

There was a shampoo and conditioner which smelled like LEMON! I don't care They smell like lemon I'm washing with these. 

I bring the two bottles over to the bath tub that is almost completely filled with warm water and quickly turn off the faucet. 

I was already undressed thanks to Jonathon so I decided to see if they have any bath salts cause I need some of those just to help me relax. 

After looking in every cupboard I did end up finding one that was almost gone. I didn't care whos it was I just poured the rest of it into the bathtub. 

Giving it a few minutes and a few turns with my hand to let it dissolve a little bit. I hop into the bath and the moment I am fully sitting down, the water reaching all the way to the top of my shoulders. I felt my whole body relax. 

I let out a massive sigh and close my eyes just letting my skin soak in the much needed salt bath. I am pretty sure I fell asleep, by the time I moved again the water was definitely not as warm as what I started with.

 I wash my hair with the shampoo and conditioner and then proceed to use the shampoo to wash the rest of my body to the best of my abilities. Sadly my arms aren't that flexible so I couldn't get much of my back. 

After feeling nice and clean I step out of the bath and grab one of the towels that was stacked on a towel rack. The towel felt amazing, They were fuzzy and thick sort of like a blanket but they still were able to dry you off really well and fast. I could roll up and fall asleep on one.... so I did. 

I woke up to a small knock on the door. To lazy to get up I just call out to the best of my tired voices ability.

Blaze: Who is it?

William: It's me William, I'm just checking on you cause its been about 4 hours since we left and I was worried.

Blaze: You were worried?

William: Yes, Jonathon and Christopher came in every 30 minutes and checked on you but I wanted to give you some space. I didn't realize you would take so long though or I would have done the same as them.

Shit I was sleeping during the time they snuck in. But I guess it was just to check on me. I grabbed the shampoo and conditioner bottles and placed them back where they were earlier and then unclogged the drain in the tub.

Blaze: I'm fine I was just taking a few naps. Today has been a long day.

William: I understand, There is some food prepared in the kitchen if you are hungry. I'll be out here to show you the way once you are finished.

Blaze: Okay

I quickly grab my bag with the clothes I bought yesterday, now that I think about it. Its probably around 4:00 in the morning. It really has been a long day.

I pull on one of the pair of pants I bought and a 3D hoodie as well. I head towards the mirror and try my best to fix my hair without any of my favorite hair gel that I'm use to.

It got about half way there and wouldn't get any better no matter how many times I messed with it. 

I sighed and walked to the bathroom door. I opened it and saw William standing/leaning on the wall on the right side of the door. When he saw me he stood up straighter and smiled. 

William: I have to apologize for what happened earlier. We were very excited to find our bride and we just kept fighting. I would like to say though it wasn't right for Jonathon to be the first to suck you off. I am jealous about that. 

Blaze: It's fine. But what do you mean by your bride?

William: We will explain it together at the table.

William starts walking and I follow him, cause I've been lead down these hallways before and they are never ending. And nothing to really stand out as a landmark as to where you are.  Except for maybe a few pictures here and there.

We make it to a set of double doors which are wide open. On the other side of the door there is a long table full of food to the left and a small round table with place settings and chairs to the right. 

William leads me to the long buffet table first and he prepares me a plate of food. Which only a few things looked familiar. The other things were questionable in my mind. Like the drumstick that had a few feathers on it.  Or the sliced up piece of what I think was fruit. It looked like a peach but it was totally white inside.

William leads me to a table and places the plate down and pulls the chair out for me to sit down.

Christopher and Jonathon were already seated with plates of food infront of them. And there was another empty spot in the middle of them with a plate piled high in food.

That was were William sat down.

all there of them were squished to one side of the round table leaving me sitting on the other side alone.

They all watched me as I examined the food and our seating situation.

Blaze: Uh.. So.. William said you would explain this whole bride thing to me.

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