It's the little things that cause big problems

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My embarrassment was very clear, Jonathons smirk grew and Christopher had pulled away from my neck and pulled my chin so I was facing him.

A smile gracing his usually hard face. for a split second my embarrassment lessened as a look of amazement and maybe slight hope took over.

As I sat there distracted Christopher's lips slip perfectly into mine. The demanding nature of his mouth started a new feeling inside.

It was sort of like butterfly's except they were getting stuck in vines of licorice. That's a weird feeling.

The kiss ended a little to quickly for my wishes but I would say it was for the best after what had happened before.

I was still sitting in Christopher's lap a bit in a daze.  Christopher nuzzles his nose in my hair and sighed.

Christopher: I could get use to this.

Jonathon: well I am glad your heart is starting to change.

Christopher's arms tightened around my waist and he kissed my cheek. Before sweeping an arm under my legs and lifting me up like I was a feather.

Christopher: I want him to sleep with me tonight.

Jonathon blinked as if thinking and then slowly nodded.

Jonathon: Alright.

Christopher looked a bit taken aback.

Jonathon: We three fight about everything and this is the one thing we have to share. We didn't start on the right foot so might as well try our hardest to change that.

Christopher nodded, still carrying me walked to his room.

We didn't run into William on the way and I was glad about that.

Christopher walked straight into his room and splayed me down on his bed. We haven't spoken to each other...actually for a very long time.

When was the last time I talked to him directly?

Christopher leaned over me staring directly into my eyes.

I shifted uncomfortably underneath him. His leg had found its way in between mine  pushing them apart.

His other leg did the same and soon my hips and his were stacked on top of each other.

My heart was picking up pace and we continued to stare into each other's eyes.

Christopher's arms had moved to take off his shirt. Our eye contact breaking for only a second. And then he reached over and did the same to me.

He then lifted me up and pressed me against his chest. Our heart beats meeting and beating together.

His hard muscular chest was warm and a few fleeting hairs ticked mine.

He was nuzzling his nose in my hair again his breathing heavy.

Christopher: I love your smell and your hair is so soft. You are so delicate I feel I could break you if I'm not careful.

Blaze: I'm stronger then you give me credit for.

Christopher chuckled

Christopher: If you say so baby.

That startled me a lot more then a little, I never took Christopher as a romantic kind of person. Especially not a nickname kind of person.

But I loved the sound off his lips. He had called me baby and I loved it.

My smile spread on my lips as Christopher watched my reaction.

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